Purchasing Card Program
The Southeastern Oklahoma State University Purchasing Card Program has been implemented in an effort to improve service to the University departments and to provide a more efficient process for purchases needed to conduct official University business.
The University Purchasing Card benefits SE and it’s departments through: promptly paying vendors, reducing overall processing costs, and enabling purchasing from vendors who do not accept purchase orders. Cards are issued in the name of Southeastern Oklahoma State University and include the department name and a unique account number. Only items/transactions less than $10,000 (including shipping and handling) per vendor per day and when in accordance with all existing policies, Oklahoma Statutes, and RUSO Policy are allowed. Purchases may not be split and charged to the Card to avoid the requisition requirements for pre-approval of expenditures in excess of $10,000 (including shipping and handling). If you are aware that multiple orders will be placed within a 5 day window of time to same vendor and the total of all orders will exceed $10,000 – Do Not Use the PCard – Process a Purchase Order prior to placing order.
The Purchasing Card Program is not intended to circumvent existing regulation. Misuse of the Purchasing Card in any manner by a Card User, Cardholder, or Card Manager may result in revocation of the privilege to use the Card, disciplinary action, termination of employment, and/or criminal charges being filed with the appropriate authority. The Purchasing Card is valuable property which requires proper treatment by the Card User, Cardholder, and Card Manager to protect it from misuse by unauthorized parties.
Reconciliation Due Date – Five Working Days From the First Day of the Month by 4:00 p.m.
Please submit reconciliation to Administration Building, Room 208 Attn: Susan Dilbeck
Purchasing Card Training is held in Administration Building, Room 208
Report Lost or Stolen Purchasing Cards
If the Purchasing Card is lost or stolen, immediately contact: JPMorgan Chase (24 hrs a day) 1.800.270.7760 Dana Bell (call and follow with an email noting circumstance) 580.745.2132 Susan Dilbeck (call and follow with an email noting circumstance) 580.745.3324
Purchasing Card Contacts
Dana Bell Program Administrator Applications; Card Management Training; Lost/Stolen Cards; MCC Codes; Declined Card Telephone: 580.745.2132 Fax: 580.745.2489 dbell@se.edu.
Brittany Pilkington Finance Office Administrator (PCard); Reconciliation; Adding new department numbers; MCC Codes; Declined Card; Lost/Stolen Card Telephone: 580.745.3324 Fax: 580.745.2489