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Murray at Southeastern Nursing Program established with agreement

December 16, 2021

Thanks to a new agreement, Southeastern Oklahoma State University will be able to offer students the ability to continue to pursue a career in nursing on the Durant campus.

Murray State College (MSC), a two-year community college in Tishomingo, and Southeastern have entered into an arrangement in which the “Murray at Southeastern Nursing Program’’ has been established.

On Thursday, MSC president Joy McDaniel and Southeastern president Thomas Newsom signed a memorandum of understanding between the two schools.

“The MSC Nursing at SE program brings with it a new option for Durant-area students who are interested in pursuing a career in Nursing,” McDaniel said.  “This partnership creates new opportunities for prospective students while filling a crucial need in southern Oklahoma.”

“Over the past few years, Murray State and Southeastern have collaborated on a number of projects,’’ said Southeastern president Thomas Newsom. “The common denominator is that students are the direct beneficiary. And in this case, the Murray at Southeastern Nursing Program will not only serve students, but address a critical need in the healthcare field. We appreciate President McDaniel’s vision and her staff at Murray for working with us to make this program a reality.’’

Tentatively scheduled to begin in January 2023 pending accreditation approval, Murray students enrolled in the program will attend classes on the Southeastern-Durant campus. Southeastern will deliver general education courses required for nursing students enrolled or planning to apply to the Murray at Southeastern Programs.

The program will allow students the opportunity to obtain an Associate of Applied Science degree in nursing from MSC. In addition, the students will have pathways available to obtain their bachelor’s degree from Southeastern.

Southeastern is in the process of developing additional degrees to support the Murray at Southeastern Program that may include RN-BSN – Nursing, RN-BSN- Respiratory Therapy, MSN – Nursing Leadership, MSN – Nurse Educator, MS – Health Science, MS – Health Administration, and MS – Community Health.

In a separate agreement between the two schools, Murray will outsource certain Human Resource services to Southeastern, further strengthening their working relationship.