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Aviation Day

February 17, 2023, 9:30 am-3 pm

Aviation Day, hosted by the Southeastern Oklahoma State University Aviation Sciences Institute will be held from 9:30 AM – 3:00 PM, Friday, February 17, 2023.

The Opening Session (and a continental breakfast) will begin at 9:30 AM in the Ballroom of Hallie McKinney. (Please check-in prior to 9:30am. Click HERE to view the campus map.)

This exciting day offers a chance for high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors and community college transfer students to experience firsthand Southeastern’s Durant campus, and our ASI (Aviation Sciences Institute) facilities. Students and their guests will meet our highly experienced aviation staff, see our fleet of aircraft, and view our state‐of‐the art flight simulator!

*Please note – we are no longer accepting registrations.