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Occupational Safety & Health Career Fair

March 24, 2023, 9 am-3 pm

Students/Alumni – Register Here

Employers – Register Here

The Spring 2023 Safety Career Fair will be held Friday, March 24, 2023in the Hallie McKinney Ballroom (1408 N. 5th St., Durant, OK).

The Safety Career Fair is for SE students in the Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) program and SE alumni in the OSH field. This is a great opportunity for students and alumni to learn more about the participating companies and the employment opportunities they have available.  It also gives employers a chance to network with students and alumni who are seeking co-op, internship, and full-time safety career opportunities.  We also encourage students from different majors to attend and network with the participating companies, as they may have additional positions available with their company.

We are also excited to host the Safety Olympics on March 23-25, 2023, on Southeastern’s campus, and have extended an invitation to students from participating universities to attend the Safety Career Fair.  Click HERE for more information on the 2023 Safety Olympics.

The career fair is FREE and open to all employers!