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SE education professors collaborate to write book on leadership

January 18, 2023

Three professors in the Department of Educational Instruction and Leadership (EIL) at Southeastern Oklahoma State University have collaborated to write book on an appropriate topic – leadership.

Scheduled to be released soon by Rowman & Littlefield is “Peopled Leadership – Growing People and Transforming Organizations’’  – by Dr. R. Stewart Mayers, Dr. Jennifer M. Anderson, and Dr. Todd Williams. It is available for pre-order through Amazon.

The book is about a new model of leadership that is completely focused on the people being led. Using research on a wide variety of topics as well as practical experience, the authors make the case that the best leaders focus on each person as an individual, but also all facets of that individual (e.g., physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual). They make the case that leaders get the best work and the most work from those who feel valued and respected in the workplace. During the research, the authors  found about 150 existing models of leadership and none of them include some of the key elements of their proposed model. One example is leading with an “attitude of gratitude.”

Mayers is professor/chair of EIL and Director of Teacher Education; Anderson is an assistant professor in EIL with more than 23 years of experience serving schools, institutions of higher education, and government agencies; and Williams is also an Assistant EIL Professor with 31 years in the field of education, including 16 years as a public school superintendent.