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Recruiting events draw impressive number of students to campus banner

Recruiting events draw impressive number of students to campus

February 20, 2023

Several hundred high school/community college students visited the campus of  Southeastern Oklahoma State University Friday and Saturday in conjunction  with a  number of recruiting events.

On Friday, the Southeastern Aviation Sciences Institute held its annual Aviation Day for students and parents. Almost 300 students attended as they learned more about the University, the aviation program, toured facilities, and met current aviation students and faculty members.

Honors Day 2023An information session about the Honors Program was held Saturday

On Saturday, high school students competed for scholarships as part of the President’s Leadership Class and Honors Program Scholars Day. In addition, Music Scholarship Audition Day (vocals) was held.

Students visit during PLC Day.

Next Saturday – February 25 – the first John Massey Leadership Scholars Day, as well as Theatre and Dance auditions will be held on campus. Other Music Scholarship Audition Days are scheduled for Feb. 25 (instrumentals), March 4, and March 25.