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Southeastern business students earn high marks in leadership competition

March 28, 2023

Dr. Luci Parmer is the FBLA faculty adviser at Southeastern.

A student team from Southeastern Oklahoma State University finished second overall in the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) – Collegiate State Leadership Conference.

The conference was held March 24-25 in Edmond, Oklahoma. 

Out of four universities competing, Southeastern’s team had the second most (24) state finalists.

The state competitive events that were represented by the FBLA – Collegiate team included Cyber Security, Entrepreneurship Concepts, Foundations of Accounting, Foundations of Finance, Information Management, Macroeconomics, Management Concepts, Marketing Concepts, Microeconomics, Organizational Behavior & Leadership, Project Management, Retail Management, and Sport Management & Marketing. 

Students competing for Southeastern were Tiffany Bray, Dr. Luqman Dabiri, M.D., Suvobroto Ghatak, Randall Hamm, Kristin Hatter, Ahmed Ibrahim, Naomi Jones, Jessica Mumme, Katelyn Nilsen, Calli Singh, and Darrien Williams.

Those placing in the top 4 are recognized at State and are  eligible to move on to compete at the National Leadership Conference in June in Atlanta. The SE team had 11 first place winners, seven 2nd place winners, five 3rd place winners, and two 4th place winners. The chapter also won the award for “largest local chapter.”

Other schools competing were Oklahoma Panhandle State University, Murray State College, and Southwestern Oklahoma State University.

Dr. Luci Parmer, Massey Endowed Professor of Business and Associate Professor  is the faculty adviser of the FBLA student chapter.

Any major (undergraduate or graduate) can join FBLA – Collegiate.  For more information,  contact  Dr. Parmer at