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Southeastern Chorale presents concert on April 20 banner

Southeastern Chorale presents concert on April 20

March 31, 2023

The Southeastern Chorale will present “Life and Death and Life” — a concert of choral music that celebrates the journey of life and the transformation of death – on April 20 at 7:30 p.m. at First Christian Church in Durant.

Dr. Abby Musgrove, director of choral activities at Southeastern Oklahoma State University and conductor of the Chorale, says she’s been wanting to put together a concert like this for years. 

“There’s just so much vocal music that celebrates life and new birth, but also doesn’t shy away from the struggle and pains of death.,’’ she said. “And, of course, musicians and composers have always explored the afterlife.  Music is one of the best ways we can convey sorrow and loss, as well as hope and promise.”  

The concert will feature a variety of styles and eras of music, including the Early-American hymn “Idumea,’’  the well-known “Ave Verum Corpus’’ by Mozart, and an African American Spiritual.  The performance also features new music by living composers, and even an arrangement of a Pete Seeger tune.  

“It’s so important to include a variety of styles for this theme,” Musgrove said.  “Everyone deals with new life, death, and life-after-death in different ways. We want our music to reflect that.”