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Southeastern Choirs in Concert: “Home is Where…” banner

Southeastern Choirs in Concert: “Home is Where…”

October 24, 2023, 7:30 pm

The choirs of Southeastern will present “Home is Where…”, a collection of music celebrating belonging, journey, and place. 

The university ensembles will be joined by special guests, the Sherman High School Varsity Choir.  The concert will feature selections from many styles and eras, from the Baroque to the modern day, and will include several surprises for the audience, such as early-American hymnody, pop a cappella selections, and elements from Broadway. 

The choirs will be joined by various faculty and student instrumentalists for the approximately one-hour event. 

The concert will be held in Montgomery Auditorium on the campus of Southeastern in Durant. 

Admission is always free for all SE Music events.