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Southeastern’s Top Ten Freshmen celebrated banner

Southeastern’s Top Ten Freshmen celebrated

November 3, 2023

The annual announcement of the Top Ten Freshmen at Southeastern Oklahoma State University was celebrated with a ceremony and reception on Friday afternoon.

The awards are based on academics, leadership, campus involvement, and letters of recommendation, and were presented to students who were freshmen in 2022-23.

The 2023 Top Ten Freshmen are:

Parker William Blankenship is an Occupational Safety and Health major from Ardmore. He is a student assistant for the Southeastern football team and is a Freshman Success Award recipient. Parker is a member of the Honors Program and the American Society of Safety Professionals.

Truitt Campbell is an Aviation Professional Pilot student from Moore. He is a member of the Honors Program, South­eastern Line Dancing Club, SE Book Club, and College Republicans. Truitt is Vice President of both Book Club and College Republicans as well as an Honors Advisory Council member. He is also a Resident As­sistant for the Office of Housing and Residence Life on campus.

Payci Cloyd is a Psychology major from Silo. She participates in events and volunteers at the Student Bible Center. Payci is a member of Southeastern’s Women Empowered. She is also a member of the President’s Leadership Class.

Sarah Coblentz is a History and Political Science double major from Celina, Texas. She is a member of the Honors Program, Southeastern’s Cross Country and Track & Field teams, and Shelf Care Book Club. Sarah also participates in the Spirit of Southeastern Marching Band and Sym­phonic Wind Ensemble.

Kai Jones is a Biological Health Sciences and History double major from Durant. They are a citizen of the Cherokee Na­tion. Kai is a member of the Honors Program and the American Chemical Society. They also participate in Southeastern Band.

Caydee Kennedy is a Marketing and Accounting double major from Rockford, Michigan. She is a member of the Honors Pro­gram, the Speech and Debate Association, and Savage Storm Leaders. Caydee also participates in the Honors Advisory Council and the John Massey School of Business Student Advisory Council.

Jayden Keyes is a Liberal and Applied Studies major from Durant. She is a citizen of the Choctaw Nation. Jayden is a member of Rotaract, Alumni Legacy Leaders, Cardinal Key, and Native American Student Association. She is also on the Resident Hall Council, a Residential Community Leader, and a member of the Southeastern Band.

Hailie Pittman is an English with a Writing Emphasis major with a double minor in Education and Choctaw Language from Atoka. She is a citi­zen of the Choctaw Nation. Hailie is a member of the Honors Program, Native American Student Association, and was a member of the South­eastern Cheer Squad. She is also on the Honors Advisory Council and the Green Eggs and Hamlet Editing Staff.

Malori Pletcher is an English Education major and Sports Coaching minor from Melissa, Texas. She is on the Southeastern Track and Field team and works on campus in Housing and Athletics. Malori participates in the Baptist Collegiate Ministry and Fellowship of Chris­tian Athletes. She is also a member of the President’s Leadership Class, Chess Club, Savage Storm Leaders, and Residential Community Leaders.

Anna Ritter is a Biology major and Chemistry minor from Atoka. She is a citizen of the Choctaw Nation. Anna is a member of the Honors Program, McNair Scholars Program, OK-LSAMP Program, OK-SMART INBRE Program, and American Chemical Soci­ety. She also participates in the Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Intramural Volleyball, Savage Storm Leaders, and is a Choctaw Ambassador.

Front Row (l-r): Anna Ritter, Caydee Kennedy, Malori Pletcher

Back Row (l-r): President Dr. Thomas Newsom, Hailie Pittman, Parker William Blankenship, Truitt Campbell, Kai Jones, Jayden Keyes, Payci Cloyd, Student Government Association President Ryker Baughman