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Theatre at Southeastern’s production of “The Great Cross Country Race” to bring nearly 4,000 local students to campus

March 25, 2025

Theatre at Southeastern will present 12 performances of “The Great Cross Country Race” in Montgomery Auditorium next week, bringing nearly 4,000 local elementary school, Head Start, and daycare students to the campus of Southeastern Oklahoma State University.

There are three performances each day on Monday, March 31, through Thursday, April 3, with the first 11 shows dedicated to young audiences from around the area.

There will be a public performance on Thursday, April 3, at 7 p.m., with tickets available at the door for $2.

The production of “The Great Cross Country Race” is a presentation of the American Association of University Women and Theatre at Southeastern.

This play from England is a lark, a merry chase, peopled with human-like animals who make better sense than people. Assembled for Sports Day, the animals cannot find anybody to compete with the fleet hare in the cross-country race until the slow-moving tortoise agrees to challenge him.

In the course of the race, the scatter-brained hare tends to get diverted by his encounters with members of the human race—stopping to gorge on a fisherman’s picnic lunch, getting trapped in the urban-Notcouths’ poaching bag, pausing to spy on a pair of “soppy dates,” getting pinned up by the ears to Mrs. Stainer’s clothesline. Meanwhile, the tortoise plods steadily and relentlessly on to the finish line. Only the animals speak intelligible language. The humans’ gobble-de-gook is as incomprehensible to us as to our animal friends.