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- Art Teacher Education
In the Art Teacher Education program, students study drawing, design, ceramics, painting, and printmaking, in addition to color theory and art history. Students develop the understanding and skills necessary to be a successful classroom teacher by exploring topics in education, child development, teaching strategies, and classroom management.
Graduates from Southeastern’s Art program go on to teach art in middle schools and high schools nationwide. Others continue their education and join graduate programs in education or fine arts.
Program: ART
Major/Minor: Art Teacher Certification
Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Dept: Art. Communication and Theatre
School: Arts and Sciences
Major Code: 003
Communications (9 Hours)
English (ENG 1113 and ENG 1213)
Speech Communication (COMM 1233 or 2213)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (12 Hours)
Political Science (POSC 1513)
American History (HIST 1513 or 1523)
Social Science (ECON 2113, GEOG 2723, HIST 3513, or SOC 1113)
Mental and Physical Health (KIN 1113 or PSY 1113)
Science and Mathematics (14 Hours)
Biological Sciences (BIOL 1114 or 1404)
Physical Sciences (CHEM 1004, 1114, 1315; PHYS 1114, 2015; PSCI 1114, 1214, or 1414)
Mathematics (MATH 1303, 1513, 1543, 1613, 2013, 2113, 2143, 2215, or 2283)
Computer Proficiency Requirement (BIM 1513 or CIS 1003)
Humanities (9 Hours)
Humanities, Philosophy, and Lit (ENG 2313, 3893; HUM 2113, 2223, 2313; or PHIL 2113, 2223)
Fine Arts (ART 1003, 1103, 2103, 3013, 3083; MUS 1113, 1123, 3133; THTR 1143, 1183, 2183, or 3183)
Foreign Language (CHTW 1513; FREN 1113; GERM 1113; SPAN 1113, 1223; ASL 1113; NS 1213)
Art Teacher Major (54 Semester Hours)
Core (27 Semester Hours)
ART 1213 Drawing I
ART 2013 2-D Design
ART 2023 3-D Design
ART 2903 Digital Imaging I
ART 2113 Art History Survey I
ART 3123 Color Theory
ART 3133 Art History Survey II
ART 3203 Art and World Cultures
ART 3313 History & Theory of Design
Teacher Certification
Required (18 Semester Hours)
ART 1413 Ceramics I
ART 3083 Issues in Aesthetics and Criticism
ART 3213 Drawing II
ART 3223 Painting I
ART 4133 Art History III: Modern and Contemporary Art
ART 4213 Printmaking I
Electives (9 Semester Hours)
EDUC 2000 Pre-Student Teaching Field Experiences I
To be taken concurrently with:
EDUC 2013 Foundations of Education
PSY 3123 Child and Adolescent Development for Education Majors
EDUC 3313 Technology Integration for the Classroom
Additional Required for Certification
(Admittance to Teacher Educ required)
Professional Education (33 Semester Hours)
SPED 2123 Introduction to Individuals with Exceptionalities
EDUC 3002 Internship for Student Teaching
EDUC 3434 Teaching Strategies and Progress Monitoring*a
EDUC 4443 Classroom and Behavior Management*a
ART 4773 Methods & Media in Teaching Art
EDUC 4000 Pre-Student Teaching Field Experiences
EDUC 4919 Teaching Experiences in Major Program