Theatre Audition Day 2025
February 22, 2025
Register Now to take advantage of this incredible Audition Opportunity here at Southeastern!
Join us in the Theatre Building (Playhouse) for Theatre Audition Day on Saturday, February 22, 2025, from 2pm-4pm in the Montgomery Auditorium located on Southeastern Oklahoma State University campus, east of the Baseball Field and north of the Basketball Arena. GPS: 205 Montgomery Drive, Durant OK 74701.
During Theatre Audition Day, you will have the opportunity to:
- Meet theatre faculty and students
- Experience Performance and Production Design Workshops
- Audition a piece or present a design portfolio for review
- Learn about the theatre majors
- Receive information on: Admissions, Scholarships, and Financial Aid
Ready to Audition?
Here are the things to complete:
1 Monologue – 1 comedic or dramatic and 1 minute long
Headshot/Resume (if available)
Musical Theatre
1 Song – up-tempo or ballad and 1 minute long
Headshot/Resume (if available)
Technical Theatre
Portfolio which may include production and design items in the following areas: scenic, costume, prop, lighting, and/or sound.
Theatre Management
Portfolio which may include promotional material such as press releases, social media releases, and/or graphic designs (art, posters and/or production programs).