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- Aviation – Professional Pilot
The AABI Accredited Professional Pilot program is designed to provide comprehensive flight training augmented with intense academic and ground training designed to produce confident, safe, professional pilots. Simulation is incorporated to provide the professional pilot students with hands on experience with advanced technology and different environments.
Professional Pilot majors must obtain an FAA first class medical and Student pilot certificate issued by a physician and designated by the Federal Aviation Administration. All flight students must also be in compliance with all Department of Homeland Security regulations governing flight training for U.S. and non-U. S citizens.
Graduates of the Professional Pilot program will be effective communicators with the ability to prepare and deliver oral and written presentations using appropriate aeronautical and business knowledge to solve complex problems. ASI graduates will possess the knowledge to understand the significance of making professional and ethical decisions for the aviation industry. ASI graduates will possess the leadership skills necessary to give direction and guidance and to delegate work tasks in a manner which proves to be effective and which motivates others to do their best in both a manager/subordinate and a team setting. They will engage in life-long learning, have knowledge of contemporary issues, use of techniques, skills and modern technology of evolving computer-based technologies to integrate worldly and scenario-based knowledge to successfully operate in the national and International aviation environment. ASI graduates will understand the functional areas of aviation and how they relate to each other. ASI Professional Pilot graduates will develop a safety-oriented mindset and an in-depth understanding of Safety Management Systems while becoming proficient and safe pilots. They will develop the ability to safely fly in single-pilot environments utilizing aeronautical decision-making skills to solve aviation problems using acquired experiential knowledge. Finally, professional pilot graduates will develop the ability to safely fly in multi-pilot environments utilizing CRM concepts like leadership, teamwork, communications, and workload management and develop effective instructional aptitude to understand and effectively use technology in the legacy as well as the modern, automated cockpit.
Major/Minor: Professional Pilot
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Dept: Aviation Sciences Institute
School: John Massey School of Business
Major Code: 005
Specified General Education Requirements
COMM 2213 Business & Professional Speaking
MATH 2143 Brief Calculus with Applications
PHYS 1014 OR PHYS 1114
Communications (9 Hours)
1.English (ENG 1113 and ENG 1213)
2.Speech Communication (COMM 2213)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (12 Hours)
1.Political Science (POSC 1513)
2.American History (HIST 1513 or 1523)
3.Social Science (ECON 2113, GEOG 2723, HIST 3513, or SOC 1113)
4. Mental and Physical Health (KIN 1113 or PSY 1113)
Science and Mathematics (14 Hours)
1.Biological Sciences (BIOL 1114 or 1404)
2.Physical Sciences (PHYS 1114)
3. Mathematics (MATH 2143)
4. Computer Proficiency Requirement (BIM 1513 or CIS 1003)
Humanities (9 Hours)
1. Humanities, Philosophy, and Lit (ENG 2313, 3893; HUM 2113, 2223, 2313; or PHIL 2113, 2223)
2. Fine Arts (ART 1003, 1103, 2103, 3013, 3083; MUS 1113, 1123, 3133; THTR 1143, 1183, 2183, or 3183)
3. Foreign Language (CHTW 1513; FREN1113; GERM1113; SPAN1113, 1223; ASL 1113; NS 1213)
Aviation Core (29 Semester Hours)
AVIA 3003 Aviation Meteorology
AVIA 3023 Air Traffic Control
AVIA 3113 Aviation Legal Problems
AVIA 3173 Aviation Safety
AVIA 3233 Advanced Aircraft Systems
AVIA 3334 Advanced Aerodynamics
AVIA 4643 Physiology
AVIA 4663 Contemporary Topics in Aviation
AVIA 4674 Crew Resource Management
Professional Pilot (35 Semester Hours)
AVIA 1004 Primary Ground Instruction
AVIA 1041 Private Flying
AVIA 2083 Commercial Performance & Regulations
AVIA 3123 Commercial Operations
AVIA 3152 Fundamentals of Flight Instruction
AVIA 3284 Instrument Ground Instruction
AVIA 3202 Flight Instructor Ground Instruction
AVIA 3241 Flight Instructor Flying
AVIA 3362 Instrument Flight Instructor Ground
AVIA 3401 Instrument Flight Instructor Flying
AVIA 3451 Introduction to Advanced Technology Aircraft
AVIA 3503 Integration of Flight Mngt Technology & Commerical Ops
*AVIA 3511 Advanced Commercial Maneuvers Flight
*AVIA 3521 Instrumental Rating Flight
*AVIA 3531 Commercial Experience Building Operations Flight
*AVIA 3541 Commercial TAA Operations Flight
*AVIA 3551 Commercial FAA Certification Flight
*new course
Commercial Ops
AVIA 4562 Multiengine Ground Instruction
AVIA 4601 Multiengine Flying