The Business Office provides students with assistance with their fiscal accounts at Southeastern. Our staff helps resolve billing/payment issues, accepts departmental deposits and parking ticket payments, handles student refunds and account collections, and assists with payment plans, student loans, and Federal financial aid disbursements. Our office is located on the first floor of the Administration Building.
The Business office is responsible for processing all transactions as they pertain to student accounts. We’d be happy to help and assist with these services:
Announcement regarding 1098T’s:
The 2024 1098T tax forms are now available for download on the Heartland/ECSI website HERE. You will type or select Southeastern Oklahoma State University in the school section when prompted. Please follow the directions on the link to download the electronic version of the 1098T form. If you choose not to download the electronic version and prefer a paper copy, the form will be mailed from Heartland/ECSI on or before January 31st, 2025. Please allow 7-10 business days to receive the form. Please contact the Business Office with any questions regarding the 1098T tax form at