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Student Financial Responsibility Agreement

  • I understand enrollment at Southeastern Oklahoma State University constitutes a contractual financial obligation to pay tuition and fees for any courses in which I am enrolled. I further understand that my financial obligations are due to the University in accordance with the payment due dates set by the University academic calendar for each term of which I am enrolled.
  • I understand I will receive an email notification when my billing statement is available to view in my Colleague Self Service account under Student Finance.
  • I understand my student account information can only be accessed or released to me. It is my responsibility to complete a Release of Records form in the University Registrar’s office for my student account information to be released to my parent/legal guardian.
  • I understand if a check or electronic checks is returned on my account for insufficient funds, I will be charged a $25 return check fee. I understand that I am responsible for payment of any charges incurred on my account because of a returned check and alternate payment is required.
  • I understand financial aid funds automatically pay charges incurred on my student account. If I have an outstanding balance for a previous semester, any excess refund could be applied to my outstanding balance.
  • I understand after all my financial aid is applied to my student account, I am responsible for paying any outstanding charges or new charges that I may incur during the semester.
  • I understand that all previous semester outstanding balances must be $500 or less before I will be eligible for enrollment for the upcoming term or semester. A business hold will be placed on my account until my balance is paid to the allowable threshold for enrollment.
  • I understand if a payment is returned to the University by the bank and the payment made on my student account was to get enrolled, at the discretion of the Bursar, my enrollment is subject to being cancelled during the drop/add timeframe and may require payment of certified funds for the business hold to be cleared.
  • I understand failure to pay my student account on or before the payment due date as reflected on the university academic calendar for the term of which I am enrolled, will result in my student account being assessed a 3% monthly late fee charge on specific dates on any past due balances.
  • It is my responsibility to know the University’s drop and withdrawal policy including drop date deadlines for no charges for the course(s) of which I enrolled for the term or semester. It is also my responsibility to drop or withdraw myself from my courses. My failure to drop or withdraw in a timely manner or by the drop deadlines does NOT relieve me from any financial obligation to the University for any tuition and fee charges on my student account.
  • I understand if I enroll in courses or my academic advisor enrolls me in courses and I do not attend these courses and I fail to properly withdraw before the deadline, I am still responsible for paying any tuition and fee charges on my student account for any courses of which I was enrolled.
  • I understand if I drop, withdraw, or do not return to the University, it is my responsibility to update my address, phone number, or email address in my Colleague Self Service account or with the Registrar’s office.
  • I understand if I have an outstanding balance on my student account, business office holds will be placed on my account, and I will not be able to enroll for future terms or semesters or receive my diploma.
  • I consent to be contacted on all phone numbers, including cell phones that are listed as a source of contact on my university student account. This includes contact from Business Office staff members, University representatives, attorneys, and collection agencies for purposes of collecting any portion of my student financial obligations which are past due.
  • I understand if I have an unpaid student account balance to the University and do not make satisfactory payment arrangements, the University may exercise its right to utilize an external collection agency. I will be responsible for reimbursement to the University for any collection agency fees which may be based on a percentage at a maximum of 25% of the debt and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees that the University can incur in such collection efforts. The collection agency fees will be added to the debt to the University and included in my student account balance. This can result in my credit being damaged and will be reported to the local and national credit agencies such as Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. The University may exercise the right to participate in the Oklahoma Tax Commission Warrant Intercept program and a portion of my Oklahoma State Tax returned can be garnished and applied to my student account balance.
  • By accepting the terms of the financial responsibility, I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the financial responsibility obligation between SE and myself.

To agree to the terms and conditions of the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement, please click the link provided to sign electronically: Student Financial Responsibility Agreement