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- Accounting
Accounting graduates continue to be one of the top majors in demand by businesses. Our undergraduate accounting program provides entry into a well-respected profession that rivals entry into law and medicine without the added entry cost of those professions.
The Accounting Program includes a thirty-six hour Business Core and and eighteen hours of upper-level accounting classes. All business students must take two specific courses in addition to the thirty-six hour Business Core: Business and Professional Speaking, and Principles of Macroeconomics. These courses may be used to satisfy General Education and other General Degree Requirements.
Accounting graduates are hired by major businesses, government/nonprofit agencies, accounting firms, and in law enforcement. The degree provides a foundation that allows our graduates to sit for examination certifications as Certified Public Accountants, Certified Management Accountants, or Certified Fraud Examiners.
Major/Minor: Accounting
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)
Dept: Accounting and Finance Department
School: John Massey School of Business
Major Code: 001
Specified General Education Requirements
COMM 2213 Business and Professional Speaking
ECON 2113 Principles of Macroeconomics
MATH 1513 College Algebra or math course with college algebra as a prerequisite
Communications (9 Hours)
1.English (ENG 1113 and ENG 1213)
2.Speech Communication (COMM 2213)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (12 Hours)
1.Political Science (POSC 1513)
2.American History (HIST 1513 or 1523)
3.Social Science (ECON 2113)
4. Mental and Physical Health (KIN 1113 or PSY 1113)
Science and Mathematics (14 Hours)
1.Biological Sciences (BIOL 1114 or 1404)
2.Physical Sciences (CHEM 1004, 1114, 1315; PHYS 1004, 1114; PSCI 1114, 1214, or 1414)
3. Mathematics (MATH 1483, 1513, 1613, 2113, 2143 or 2215)
4. Computer Proficiency Requirement (BIM 1513 or CIS 1003)
Humanities (9 Hours)
1. Humanities, Philosophy, and Lit (ENG 2313, 3893; HUM 2113, 2223, 2313; or PHIL 2113, 2223)
2. Fine Arts (ART 1003, 1103, 2103, 3013, 3083; MUS 1113, 1123, 3133; THTR 1143, 1183, 2183, or 3183)
3. Foreign Language (CHTW 1513; FREN1113; GERM1113; SPAN1113, 1223; ASL 1113; NS 1213)
Business Core (43 semester hours):
ACCT 2103 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
ACCT 2203 Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting
BIM 3183 Business Information Management
BLAW 3123 Legal Environment of Business
ECON 2213 Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 3903 Business and Professional Writing
BUS 2633 Business Statistics
BUS 3333 Business Ethics
BUS 4901 Career Development Seminar
FIN 3113 Business Finance
MKT 3233 Principles of Marketing
MNGT 3113 Management and Organizational Behavior
MNGT 3243 Production and Operations Management
MNGT 4443 International Business
MNGT 4633 Business Policy
Accounting Major (27 Semester Hours):
ACCT 3113 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 3213 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 3313 Income Tax Accounting
ACCT 3323 Income Tax Accounting II
ACCT 3513 Cost Accounting
ACCT 4713 Accounting Information Systems
ACCT 4813 Auditing
Two of the following:ACCT 3413 Forensic Accounting, ACCT 3713 Governmental Accounting, ACCT 4113 Advanced Accounting, ACCT 4223 Financial Analysis and Control, ACCT 4950 Internship, ACCT 4980 Seminar
NOTE:All business core classes must be completed
with a grade of C or better.
ACCT 2103 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
ACCT 2203 Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting
ACCT 3313 Income Tax Accounting I
ACCT 3513 Cost Accounting
Choose two electives from the following courses:
ACCT 3113 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 3713 Governmental Accounting
ACCT 3323 Income Tax Accounting II