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Parmer, Luci Bio Image

Dr. Luci Parmer

John Massey Endowed Professor of Business/Associate Professor

Management & Marketing

Russell 205



Ph.D., Leadership Studies, Our Lady of the Lake University
M.B.A., University of Mobile
B.B.A., Marketing, University of South Alabama
A.A.A., Music and Video Business, The Art Institute of Houston
A.S., Business Administration, Faulkner State Community College

Courses Taught

MNGT 5773 Principle-Centered Leadership and Ethics, MNGT 5453 Contemporary Issues in Management, BUS 5113 Research Methods, MKT 4123 International Marketing, MNGT 3343 Small Business Management, BUS 2633 Business Statistics, MNGT 4113 Contemporary Issues in Leadership, BUS 5253 Data Analysis for Managers, MNGT 5343 Competitive Advantage & Strategy, MNGT 5903 Leadership Theories & Practices, MNGT5233 Team Development Behaviors