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Smith, Christala Bio Image

Christala Smith

Director/Adjunct Instructor - Online

Center for Instructional Development and Technology/English

Russell 317B



M.A., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Phoenix
B.A., English Education, Southeastern Oklahoma State University


Christala serves as the director of the Center for Instructional Development and Technology (CIDT), which provides instructional design and technology support for faculty, staff, and students. In her role, she assists faculty in building their courses, conducts course reviews, conducts professional development trainings on technology and online instruction, and oversees teams who work on video, graphic design, social media, virtual reality, and accessibility.

In addition to serving Southeastern Oklahoma State University, CIDT provides services for Murray State College, and Christala regularly communicates with and trains administrators and faculty from Murray regarding instructional design.

Christala is the chair of the Distance Education Council at Southeastern. She is also the chair of the Council for Online Learning Excellence (COLE) and the Oklahoma Canvas Area Network (OK-CAN) at the state level and serves on several other state communities addressing online education in Oklahoma. She also serves on the Oklahoma Education Commission, a 5-year appointment to work with a group of leaders in higher ed, K12, DOJ, the library system, and others under the state legislature.

Christala is responsible for the transition from Blackboard to Canvas at Southeastern, is assisting with the micro-credential initiative., and participated in the Strategic Planning Committee to develop Vision 2040. She is always eager to participate in any initiatives that will support distance learning at Southeastern.

Courses Taught

ENG 1113, ENG 1213