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Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate is the official representative body of the faculty of Southeastern Oklahoma State University. The Faculty Senate shall ensure that appropriate considerations be given to faculty concerns during the revision of departmental, school, or university mission statements and goals or modifications of university policies. The Faculty Senate is empowered to present the position of the faculty concerning policies affecting the faculty and university to the appropriate committee, administrative office, or board. The Faculty Senate also shall promote the development of professional standards and scholarship within the faculty and university.

Faculty Senate FAQ 2021

FS Membership & FS Committees

Membership of the SE Faculty Senate (FS) and of Faculty Senate Committees, organized by academic year.

2024-2025 Membership, FS Committees, & Meeting schedule Open Close
2023-2024 Membership, FS Committees, & Meeting Schedule Open Close
2021-2022 Membership, FS Committees, & Meeting Schedule Open Close

Fall 2021

2019-2020 Membership, FS Committees, & Meeting Schedule Open Close

Spring 2020

Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, January 29

Faculty Senate Meeting Dates (includes Shared Governance Forums and Executive Committee with the President)

Faculty Senate Membership 2019-20 (updated 1-22-2020)

Faculty Senate Subcommittees 2019-20 (updated 12-8-2019)

Fall 2019

Faculty Senate Meeting Dates

Faculty Senate Membership 2019-20

Faculty Senate Subcommittees 2019-20 (updated 12-8-2019)