Senate Documents
Various Faculty Senate Documents are posted by the academic year and semester.
Recent changes to page:
- If you are seeking documents and recordings from Faculty Senate hosted Shared Governance Forums, they have all been moved to the FS Shared Governance Forum page.
- All the Faculty Senate News Briefs have been relocated the FS News Brief page.
Spring 2025 Documents
January 29, 2025
- Executive Committee Minutes 01.21.2025
- Committee on Committees Report 01.29.2025
- APPM (7.10.03) – Intellectual Property (updated 2-2019)
- Proposed Motion on PTR
- Query on Reserved Parking Spots
February 12, 2025
- Executive Committee Minutes 02.06.2025
- University Affairs Committee Minutes 02.10.2024
- RUSO Transparency and Affordability
February 26, 2025
- Executive Committee Minutes from the meeting on February 25th with President Newsom, VPAA Golden, AVPAA Shields, and the Director of Retention and Strategic Learning, Kevin Faulk.
- University Affairs Minutes from Februrary 24, 2025.
- UAC Deadtime at Other Universities document.
Fall 2024 Documents
August 28th, 2024
- Committee on Committees’ report from 08.27.2025 meeting.
- A master list of current campus committee assignments was also shared with the Senate. This master list includes student names and contact information so the chairs can reach out to them and ensure they will be offered the opportunity to participate meaningfully on the committees. The master list was filed with the FS archivist, and was last updated on August, 25th, 2024. The master list has not been redacted and will not be posted publically but the individual committee assignments will have current membership rosters posted to their respective webpages.
September 11th, 2024
September 25th, 2024
October 9th, 2024
- Leave policy proposal 11/2017
- Personnel Policy Committee Minutes 10.02.2024
- University Affairs Committee Minutes 09.30.2024
November 6th, 2024
- Montion re tenure case of Dr. Ian Gerg
- Executive Committee Minutes from meeting with President and VPAA 10.29.2024
- University Affairs Minutes 11.04.2024
November 20th, 2024
- University Affairs Committee Report 11.18.2024
- Planning Committee shared the draft for the newly formatted Faculty Awards Nomination form. The form was sent out to all faculty via email on 11.21.2024. Deadline for nominations is 02.03.2025.
December 4th, 2024
Spring 2024 Documents
January 31st, 2024
- Executive Committee met with President Newsom and VPAA Golden on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024.
February 14th, 2024
- The FS Planning Committee met on February 6th, here are the minutes from this meeting.
- The ad hoc committee on Academic Integrity & AI met with Liz McGaw and OL Kelly from Student Affairs on February 13th, 2024. Here are the notes from the meeting and the handout containing selections from the Student Handbook 2023-2024.
February 28th, 2024
- University Affairs Committee met on Monday, February 26th, 2024. The minutes from the committee’s meeting were shared with the rest of the senate during today’s meeting.
- Committee on Committees shared a report with the senate at today’s meeting today.
March 13th, 2024
- Committee on Committee submited a minutes report from their meeting on March 13th, 2024
- A form was created and proposed to assist in committee chairs in creating their End of Year Reports that are due to the FS Archivist by the end of the Spring semester: EoY report form for General Faculty Committees
- In addition to the suggested form, the Committee on Committees drafted a proposed update for the APPM Sec. 3.4.6. that stipulates what should be included in the end of year summary report from the individual University Committees.
April 10th, 2024
- Committee on Committees submitted a report to the Faculty Senate today with two action items for the Senate to discuss.
- First action item was to adopt a standardize form for the General Faculty Committees and Councils to use as a base for what to include in their End-of-Year reports.
- Second action item was a proposed revise to the APPM Sec. 3.4.6.
- See the CoC’s report for the language suggested for the revision.
- Executive Committee met with President Newsom and VPAA Golden on the morning of April 10, 2024 and provided notes to the Senate.
- Personnel Policies Committee submitted a report from their April 3rd, 2024 meeting.
- The Planning Committee submitted a report from their April 5th, 2024 meeting.
- University Affairs Committee submitted a report from their April 4th, 2024 meeting.
- The FS ad hoc committee on AI & Academic Integrity submitted a report from their April 1st, 2024 meeting (updated 4/12/2024).
- Alisha Ridenour shared with the ad hoc committee an excel spreadsheet of Syllabi Policies for Genertive AI that was collected, currated, and shared online by Lance Eaton – document online.
April 24th, 2024
Fall 2023 Documents
September 6, 2023
October 4th, 2023
- Senate Operations document was shared by Senator Moretti. It is a good resource for new senators or those interested in how the Faculty Senate functions.
- The 5 Criterion drafts for the HLC Assurance report that Dr Ronneberg and VPAA Golden have been diligently working on were shared with the Senate for review and hopeful feedback in creating talking points and questions for the upcoming shared Governance Forum slated for October 17th at 2pm. Since these are working drafts, they are not being repost here but to view the current drafts and information about the upcoming HLC accreditation visit, please visit the University’s HLC Webpage
November 29th, 2023
Spring 2023 Documents
January 25, 2023
- FS Executive Committee minutes 1.24.2023
- 2023 Oklahoma Online Excellence Awards – Information on how to nominate a candidate for the Oklahoma Online Awards being given by the Council for Online Learning Excellence. Nominations are being accepted up to January 31st, 2023.
February 8, 2023
- The FS Executive Committee met on February 7, 2023.
- The Budget Committee and Personnel Policies Committee created a propasal to update the current salary card as they were charged to do by President Newsom. The Senate voted in favor of the joint committee proposal for faculty compensation.
- Faculty Senate also urges all faculty and staff that can do so, to please atend the Staff Senates first hosted Shared Governance Forum held on February 16, 2023 at 2pm. The Staff Senates’ topic is Staff Role in HLC Accreditation.
February 22, 2023
- The FS Office Hours Proposal was approved. VPAA Golden included some of the feedback comments from the SGA. Office Hours APPM Policy – Message from VPAA Teresa Golden
- The conversation on ChatGPT was continued in this week’s meeting. It will be a topic of discussion for a brownbag lunch in March. The date of meeting will be determined at next FS Meeting. A document from Turnitin on advice for faculty in how to approach AI in the classroom was shared as was a short list of references on the topic. The reference list was generated from a citation manager, Zotero, and left mostly unaltered before being shared with the FS.
March 8, 2023
- FS Executive Committee Minutes 3.7.2023
- FS Committee on Committees Report 3.2.2023
- Also shared and discussed in the chat during the session was the Durant, Oklahoma Perception Survey results
March 29, 2023
April 12, 2023
April 26, 2023
Fall 2022 Documents
August 31, 2022
- 2022-2023 University Committees and Councils Appointments (Distributed 4/28/2022)
- Subcommittee End of Year Reports from 2021-2022
- The Strategic Planning Committee will meet for the first time on 9/9/2022. The attached documents were provided to members to review prior to the meeting.
September 14, 2022
September 28, 2022
- Committee on Committee
- Committee on Committee Report (updated 9.28.2022)
- Committee Assignment Document (updated 9.28.2022)
- Executive Committee
October 12, 2022
- Subcommittee Meeting Minutes and supporting documents
- Overload calculation and dispersal of payment was brought forth for discussion. Below are supporting documents from the discussion on the current practices and processes for overload payments to faculty.
- APPM Changes Regaurding Course Load and Compensation
- ETF Due Dates – Fall 2022
- FS-minutes-3.10.2021
- Payroll Schedule FY 2023
- Temporary and Supplemental Salary Schedule 2022-2023
- RE: Questions regarding overload dispersal for faculty
- This document was a thread of internal correspondences on the topic of what factors go into determining Adjunt/ Overload pay calculations and determining deadlines to ensure processing may be completed in time to meet payroll schedules.
October 26, 2022
- Executive Committee
- Executive Committee Meeting Notes from 10.18.2022
- Executive Committee Meeting Notes from 10.25.2022 Meeting with President Newsom and Teresa Golden
November 9, 2022
- Executive Committee
- Proposed academic calendar 2023-2024 – Chair Shannon has asked all to take a look at the academic calendar for AY 2023-24 to ensure any feedback or concerns are submitted to the administration before the deadline of December 1, 2023.
- FS Executive Committee Notes from 11.1.22
- Personnel Policy Committee
November 30, 2022
- Committee on Committee report 11.30.2022
- Joint Budget and Personnel Policies Committee report 10.19.2022
- Joint Budget and Personnel Policies Committee report 11.2.2022
- Also discussed was the Quality Initiative Proposal. Civitas training will begin in mid-January for advisors and faculty advisors. A copy of the SE Quality Initiative Proposal was reshared with the senate.
Spring 2022 Documents
January 31, 2022
- Executive Committee Minutes, topics include: spring meeting schedule, policy recommendations on Recorder re-assigned time, PTR panel composition and service on, and paper ballot requirements for virtual meetings. (Meeting Agenda)
February 9, 2022
- Executive Committee Motions recommending policy changes on Recorder re-assigned time, PTR panel composition and service on, and paper ballot requirements for virtual meetings.
- Personnel Policies Committee Notes from the meeting of 2/2/22. Edits of a Distance Education Council policy recommendation to standardize the course template for our new LMS. An annotated list of PPC charges for discussion and to establish priorities.
- Budget Committe Minutes from the meeting of 2/3/22 includes election of Steve Csaki as chair, and initial arrangements for a meeting with staff and the administration on the budget.
February 23
- LMS Transition Group Update emailed to Faculty, Staff, and Students on 2/11/2022.
- Proposal from the Faculty Salary Card Working Group, submitted to President Newsom on 2/15/2022.
- Committee on Committees Report includes estimates on committee vacancies for 2022-2023 and the processes to fill them.
- Minutes from the Executive Committee meeting with the President held on 2/14/2022. Discussion topics included Faculty and Staff participation in the budget processes, the Salary Card Working Group, and health insurance benefits. President Newsom presented updates on Spring enrollment, new agreement with Academic Partnerships, Telework Policy, Campus Master Plan, Rodeo Expo plans, awards ceremony, Allied Health Partnership, classroom furniture upgrades, winter damage from 2020-2021.
- Faculty Senate Survey Group Minutes from the meeting held on 2-11-2022.
- Planning Committee Minutes from the meeting held on 2/16/2022.
- Personnel Policies Committee Notes from the meeting held on 2/17/2022.
March 30
- LMS Transition Committe (of the DEC) Proposal for LMS Platform and Third-Party Add-ons, 3/23/2022.
- Shared Governance Forum, “Strategic Planning: Looking to the Future” (Linked to a recording.). The topic was chosen by the Administration, and the presentation was led by President Thomas Newsom and VPAA Teresa Golden (Presentation slides).
- Committee on Committees Report, includes results of the faculty committee preferences survey.
- Faculty Senate Survey Report Committee (FSSR): PROPOSED AGENDA FOR SHARED GOVERNANCE FORUM, TOPIC: The Faculty’s Role in Building a “Student Ready Campus,” Tuesday, April 19, 2022. FSSR meeting Minutes: March 1, March 8, March 24. Draft Survey for 2021-2022. An excerpt (Chapter 2) from the book Becoming a Student-Ready College.
April 13
- Executive Committee Minutes from the meeting held on 4-4-2022. Topics include appointment letters, Salary Card and COLA, policy on guest speakers on campus, Policy to Modify Policies and Procedures, Strategic Planning Committee/Working Group, and the Shared Governance Forum Topic (April 19th 2 pm – Becoming a Student Ready Campus).
- Executive Committee Minutes from the meeting with the President and VPAA, held on 4-11-2022.
- Minutes from the Budget Committee, with three representatives from the Staff Senate met with President Newsom, VPAA Golden, and VPBA Westman on April 8. VPBA Westman provided the group with two documents on the budget process: an FAQ on strategic budgeting, and a Memo on budgetary procedures.
- Faculty Senate Survey Report (FSSR) Committee Minutes from the meeting of 4/12/2022. Includes motions on the Survey draft and the Shared Governance Forum agenda for 4/19/2022.
- Committee on Committees Report, includes reports on an email sent April 6, 2022 to all-faculty concerning end-of-the year reporting and
procedural responsibilities for University Committees and Councils, emails to the Office of Student Affairs and Academic Affairs requesting committee appointments, and motions to change the wording on some committee membership statements.
April 27
- Motion from the Archivist for the preservation of documents on the FS webpages of the SE website.
- Committe on Committees list of University Committees’ membership for 2022-2023.
- Personnel Policies Committee Report from the meeting of April 20. Includes a proposed amendment to the APPM to codify policy regarding political candidates speaking on campus, and discussion of work being done by Dean Blackwood and VPAA Golden on the use/pay of coaches and pay for instructors in lieu of coaches for online accelerated graduate classes.
- The University Affairs committee conducted a survey of adjunct faculty and compiled their findings in a summary of the adjunct instructors’ comments: Adjunct Feedback (April 7, 2022).
End of Year Reports
Fall 2021 Documents
- Statement on shared governance that Chair Randy Clark presented to Christala Smith (Director CIDT) for the BLUE Orientation (Summer 2021).
- Faculty Senate FAQ 2021
September 8
- Distance Education Council (DEC) proposal to modify the Function and Membership statements of the DEC. Reviewed by the Faculty Senate (FS) Executive Committee and updated on August 16, 2021 and presented to the FS on September 8 for review and for a vote on September 22.
September 22
- Executive Committee meeting Notes from 9-20-2021. A number of topics were discussed as possible topics for the meeting with President Newsom on 9-27-2021. EC meeting Agenda.
- Executive Committee meeting with President Newsom Agenda, includes continuing discussion on faculty salary and compensation, status of and communication of the work of the ad-hoc committees formed in fall 2020, and status of the campus master plan.
- Personnel Policies Committee Report from the meeting held 9-17-2021. Includes a motion to grant the FS Recorder reassigned time, and a request for faculty input on the Telework Policy. Meg Cotter-Lynch was elected as committee chair.
- Planning Committee Report from the meeting held 9-14-2021. Kathy Boothe was elected as committee chair.
- Committee on Committees Report from the meeting held on 9-13-2021. Includes a motion on replacing a member of the BSLASCC, and a motion to revise the function and membership of the Distance Education Council. Randy Clark was elected committee chair.
October 6
- Personnel Policies Committee Minutes from the meeting held on 9-29-2021. Topics include updates to the APPM, and the Telework Policy. Reference is made to three documents from the Southeastern Staff Senate: Telework Policy Version 2, Telework Policy Edit Explanations, and Telework Policy Response and Recommendations.
- Notes from the FS Executive Committee meeting with President Newsom and VP Golden held on 9-27-2021. Topics include faculty salary/compensation, faculty participation in the budget process, the status and findings of the Ad Hoc Committees formed in fall 2020, and the status of the Campus Master Plan.
- Notes from the University Affairs Committee meeting held on 10-5-2021. Topics of discussion included communication of information from chairs’ meetings, establishing a long term commitment to HLC foci (DEI and Quality Assurance), and recruitment, enrollment, and Academic Partnerships.
October 20
- Report from the Personnel Policies Committee meeting held on 9-29. Reviewed revisions to the Telework Policy, and briefly discussed data on faculty paid on and off the salary card.
- Report from the Committee on Committees, which is beginning the process of reviewing the policies and operational guidelines for General Faculty Committees.
- Notes from the Executive Committee meeting held on 10-19. Discussion items included the Shared Governance Forum (SGF) on the Quality Initiative proposal (held on 10-11), Salary Card Group formation, State Bill 1775, faculty salary and faculty participation in the budgeting process, the faculty hiring process, and possible topics for the next SGF (on 11-8, topic chosen by the Faculty Senate).
November 3
- Report from the Committee on Committees includes four motions for changes in the operational guidelines of General Faculty Committees and Councils (APPM 3.3, 3.4).
- Notes from the Personnel Policies Committee meeting held on 10-27-2021, continued review of and recommended revisions to the Telework policy draft (also includes recommendations from the Staff Senate). The Telework policy draft with revisions was approved by the Faculty Senate.
- Letter welcoming Dr. Rachel Tudor on her return to Southeastern as Professor of English. Approved by the Faculty Senate, to be signed by Chair Kay Daigle on behalf to the Faculty Senate.
- Faculty Senate News Brief recaps the informational highlights from the November 3 FS meeting. Sent as an email to Faculty on 11-5-2021.
November 8
- Notes from the Executive Committee meeting. Topics include the next Shared Governance Forum “Growing Pains: Stories from the Trenches” (November 16), calendar of meeting dates for the spring, the SB 1775 panel discussion, and the formation of the Salary Card Working Group. (Agenda)
November 15
November 17
- Faculty Senate News Brief recaps the informational highlights from the November 17 FS meeting. Sent as an email to Faculty on 11-19-2021.
Spring 2021 Documents
January 27
- Executive Committee Report
- Summary Notes from the meeting between the Executive Committee, President Newsom, and VPAA Golden, held on 1-25-2021. [updated on 2-5-2021 to correct the times of the SGFs 2:00 p.m. CT]
- SE AAUP Chapter letter, sent to the administration, in wholehearted support of the Faculty Senate’s Faculty Compensation Recommendation.
- President Newsom’s Response to the Faculty Senate’s request for a written commitment to make improvements in faculty salary a priority in the 2021 budget (email 1-28-2021).
- Voting data from the Faculty Senate election of new senators Matthew Sparacio (A & S) and Andy Kramer (Library).
- Faculty Senate News Brief from the 1-27-2021 meeting, emailed to Faculty on 2-3-2021.
February 1
- Administrative Council Meeting Notes, this is not a Faculty Senate document. A thank you to the Office of the President for making these available.
February 10
- Notes from the Executive Committee meeting of 2-8-2021. Topics include the upcoming Shared Governence Forum (2-16-2021, 2:00pm) on the Anthology end-of-course surveys, faculty salary and compensation proposal follow up (meeting Agenda).
- Report from the Committee on Committees for the meeting of 2-5-2021, includes a recommendation to expand the Membership of the Bachelor of Science in Liberal and Applied Studies Coordinating Committee.
February 24
- Meeting Notes of the Executive Committee, President Newsom, and VPAA Golden meeting held on 2-22-2021. The Shared Governance Forum (The Anthology [Campus Labs] Course Review System) scheduled for 2-16-21 was canceled due to weather and has been rescheduled for Monday, April 5. The focus of the discussion was on faculty salary, compensation, and the budget. A follow up resolution (drafted by the Budget Committee) to the FS’s salary proposal was presented to President Newsom on 2-18-2021.
March 10
- Executive Committe Report from the meeting held on 3-8-2021 (Agenda, Meeting Notes). Includes a motion to forward the updated survey instrument for reviewing the post-tenure-review (PTR) process and practice. The survey was originally slated for last spring, but was delayed due to the pandemic. Updated survey instrument for PTR, for VPAA Golden.
- Personnel Policies Committee Report from the meeting held on 3-9-2021. Includes two motions: recommendation that all full-time faculty be given a Workload/Compensation form prior to each semester; adding library and email privileges for Emeritus faculty.
- Faculty Senate News Brief from the March 10 meeting. Emailed to all faculty on 3-26-2021.
April 7
- Committee on Committees (CoC) Report from the meeting held on 4-1-2021. The University Committee Preference Survey responses are in (50 responses) and the CoC will be working on making committee appointments for AY 2021-2022.
- A Resolution Regarding Staff Compensation from the Southeastern Staff Senate (formerly Southeastern Staff Association), forwarded as a courtesy to the FS by Bryanna Allsbury, SSS President.
- A Letter of Request to the Faculty Senate Regarding Compenstion from the SE AAUP Chapter, submitted by Chapter President Karl Frinkle. The question is raised: Given the history of the faculty compensation discussion, at what point does the Senate think it is fair to simply say that, in its opinion, faculty compensation is not currently a significant priority for the University?
April 21
- Executive Committee Report
- Committee on Committees’ motion listing university committee appointments and replacements for AY 2021-2022.
- Data and documents requested of the administration for the review of the post-tenure review (PTR) process and results: Overview of department chairs’ responses questions on PTR (4-9-2021), Spreadsheet with quantitative data on PTR by academic department (4-9-2021), FS Chair’s Report on PTR review questions and department chairs comments (4-27-2021).
- Policy to Modify Policies and Procedures was approved by President Newsom on 4-5-2021. The policy was drafted by senators Laura Atchley (chair) and William Fridley, and James Reed as a sub-committee of the Ad Hoc Policy on Policies Committee chaired by Mike Davis.
End of Year Reports
Fall 2020 Documents
August 28
- Resolution supporting the nomination of Ron Wallace as Oklahoma Poet Laureate. The resolution was written by Michael Davis and approved unanimously by an email vote of the Faculty Senate.
- 2020 Faculty Senate Election Data
September 2
- Executive Committee Report, topics include pending review of post-tenure review, subcommittee preferences, Fall meeting dates, and registration/membership for the National Council of Faculty Senates.
- Treasurer’s Report for 2019-2020
- Documents for a proposed partnership with Graduation Alliance: High School Diploma Student Engagement and Retention Agreement (contract template), Synopsis Talking Points on Graduation Alliance.
- National Council of Faculty Senates notification and invitation to attend their September teleconferences.
September 8
- Discussion Items for the 9/8/2020 meeting between the FS Executive Committee and President Newsom.
September 16
- Executive Committee Report includes appointment of Dr. Laura Atchley as the Faculty Senate representative to the newly formed Policy on Policies Ad Hoc Committee, President Newsom’s recommendation for a place to FS Award plaques, and an action item to vote on a FS recommendation to VP Golden on the proposed partnership with Graduation Alliance (GA).
- Concerns and Comments on the GA Proposal that were gathered from senators following the September 2 meeting in which Dr. Boatmun presented the GA proposal to the Faculty Senate.
- A Look at Inflation-Adjusted Faculty Salaries, a document prepared by Dr. Chris Moretti, for the Faculty Senate in 2018.
- A Faculty-Compensation Proposal that was approved by a unanimous vote of the Faculty Senate on 9-19-2018.
September 30
- Executive Committee Report, information items include installation of a display case for FS Awards, electronic appointment letters, VPAA Golden’s response to the FS’s recommendation on the proposed Graduation Alliance partnership, NCFS conference, and the Shared Governance Forum of September 28.
- Personnel Policies Committee Report from the meeting that was held on September 23. Includes four motions on appointment letters and teaching overloads.
- Committee on Committees Report from the meeting that was held on September 28.
- Administration’s Response (from VPAA Golden) to the FS’s Recommendation (September 16) on the proposed partnership with Graduation Alliance.
- Faculty Senate News Brief recaps the informational highlights from the FS meetings of August 19, and September 2, 16, 30. Sent as an email to Faculty on 10-7-2020.
October 5
- Discussion Items for the meeting between the Executive Committee and President Newsom on 10-5-2020.
October 12
- Agenda for the FS Executive Committee meeting of October 12, 2020.
October 14
- Personnel Policies Committee Report from the meeting of October 7. Includes three motions: (1) A resolution on a faculty hiring process, (2) A recommendation on note taking at chairs’ meetings, (3) A response to VPAA Golden on the proposed partnership with Graduation Alliance. (a text of the three motions)
- Budget Committee Report, includes questions to the administration about faculty participation in budgeting decisions.
- Committee on Committees Report, includes proposed faculty committee appointments for 2020-2021.
- Additional Information on the four motions passed by the FS on 9-30-2020 including expanded rationales and clarification of context and discussions. Sent by FS Chair Randy Clark to VPAA Teresa Golden on 10-12-2020.
- SE AAUP Chapter Letter of Support for the four motions that were unanimously passed by the Faculty Senate on 9-30-2020.
- FS News Brief of the October 14 meeting, emailed to all Faculty on 10-20-2020.
October 28
- Executive Committee Report, the next Shared Governance Forum will be 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 10, 2020 via Zoom. The topic is “Faculty Salaries: Doing What is Right.” And a requested action item for the FS to appoint the Budget Committee to take the lead on the Forum.
- A Look at Inflation-Adjusted Faculty Salaries, a document updated in 2020, originally prepared by Dr. Chris Moretti, for the Faculty Senate in 2018.
- Three motions (resolution on faculty hiring process, motion for note taking at chairs’ meetings, response to VPAA Golden on proposed partnership with Graduation Alliance) passed on October 14 and forwarded to VPAA Teresa Golden on October 21.
- Three motions regarding the budget process, passed at the October 14 meeting and forwarded to VPBA Dennis Westman on October 21.
- Committee on Committees Report on the status and notification of committee appointments.
November 11
- Personnel Policies Committee Report, includes a motion requesting information on faculty paid on and off the Salary Card.
- Response from VPBA Dennis Westman to questions from the Budget Committee about the budgeting process and faculty involvement in the process.
December 2
- Executive Committee Report includes a thorough informational summary of VPAA Golden’s response to the four Faculty Senate Motions from 9-30-2020 (on appointment letters, full-time teaching load and overload compensation, and calculation of graduate teaching hours for course load and compensation). Includes an action item with a draft of a proposal for rolling the step increases which are on the Salary Card, but have not been added to salaries, from 2019, 2020, and 2021 into the base salary of all eligible faculty in fall of 2021. It is hoped this will be a first step toward a systematic and intentional effort to provide faculty an annual salary adjustment, to raise the base pay on the salary card, and to develop a plan to keep faculty salaries current and competitive.
- Clarifications of the APPM (in response to the FS motions of 9-30-2020) from VPAA Golden, changes effective January 1, 2020.
- Administrative Council Notes from the meeting of November 17, 2020. This is not a Faculty Senate document, and was provided by the Office of the President to facilitate better communication among the university community.
- Executive Report on the Covid-19 survey conducted by the University Affairs Committee. A revised version with additional data is expected by the end of the year.
December 17
- Faculty Compensation Proposal (with history and rationale): at the December 2 meeting the FS recommended that the Executive Committee draft a faculty salary compensation proposal. The draft proposal was emailed to senators for comment on December 8. The proposal was put to an email vote on December 14, and it was announced on December 17 that the Proposal passed by a 15 to 0 vote.
Spring 2020 Documents
January 29
- Executive Committee (EC) Report: includes action items to approve Spring 2020 meeting dates and a proposed resolution concerning guns on campus from the OSRHE Office in preparation for the 2020 Legislative Session. EC met with Interim President Clark on 1-29-20
February 12
- Text of a Resolution to reaffirm support of maintaining the current law regarding weapons on campus, approved by the Faculty Senate on 1-29-2020 and sent to Interim-President Clark on 1-31-20.
- Executive Committee Report, includes two action items regarding review of the Post-Tenure Review Policy and Process (APPM
- Budget Committee Report (from the meeting of 2-5-2020), includes information on the FS Budget and funding for the FS awards (and the OTRS contribution), and a motion requesting the Senate Archivist annually obtain certain documents to post on the website and make available to faculty.
March 11
- Executive Committee Report includes information on the April 6 Shared Governance Forum “Sabbatical: How & Why You Should Take One.” Action Item timeline and data requested to conduct the review of post-tenure review.
April 8
- Executive Committee Minutes from the meeting held virtually on March 31. Discussion items included the status of the Faculty Senate Awards, hold meetings virtually, and the possibility of holding the Shared Governance Forum originally scheduled for April 6 at a later date, virtually using Zoom. EC meeting Agenda
- Executive Committee Report
- Email from Dr. Tim Boatmun (3-23-2020) concerning our relation with Academic Partnerships, prompted by recent news reports (linked) about Academic Partnerships and the President of the University of Texas, Arlington.
- Covid-19 Guidance for Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) Academic Affairs Policy
April 28
- Notes from the Executive Committee meeting. Topics included the upcoming meeting with President Newsom, instruction in the fall, and the Faculty Senate Survey.
- Video, FS Executive Committee presents a plaque to Interim President Dr. Bryon Clark honoring his service to Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Password: 8N$=*61%
May 12
- Notes (pending) of the meeting of the FS Executive Committee with President Newsom and Vice President for Academic Affairs Teresa Golden. Two documents (circa 2014) were used as topical templates for the meeting: Faculty Senate Interactions with the President, and Recent Successes, Ongoing Work, and Future Shared Governance Issues.
May 27
- Notes from the Executive Committee meeting to discuss faculty and FS contributions to the COVID-19 Pandemic Task Force and the Sub-Committee on Instruction. Douments include: Task Force Proposal (from William and Carolyn Fridley, 5-22-2020), Proposal ““Re-imagining the Conditions of the Academic Experience on Campus” (from senators William and Carolyn Fridley 5-27-2020), Agenda, and email from senator Dan Althoff requesting the meeting.
End-of-Year Reports
- FS Budget Allocation Request for the 2020-2021, submitted by the FS Executive Committee
- Committee on Committees (CoC), submitted by CoC chair Dan Althoff
- Personnel Policies Committee (PPC), submitted by PPC chair William Fridley
Fall 2019 Documents
September 10
- Minutes from a meeting of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (FS EC). Topics discussed included: election of senators, EC meeting schedule, FS subcommittee preferences and charges, President Sean Burrage’s departure and faculty involvement in the presidential search, renewing the In the Faculty Senate news brief to faculty, and the FS budget.
September 12
- Letter to RUSO Executive Director Sheridan McCaffree from FS chair Randy Clark, requesting faculty participation in the search for President Burrage’s replacement, and encouraging the continuance of the strong shared governance practices that have developed during Burrage’s tenure, which have been a major contribution to our university’s success.
- A letter from SE’s AAUP Chapter to McCaffree (9-9-19), requesting faculty participation in the presidential search, and urging a continuation of SE’s vibrant system of shared governance.
- A second letter from the AAUP to McCaffree (9-10-19), requesting time to address the RUSO board at its October 10th meeting at Southeastern.
September 18
- Report from the Executive Committee (EC) to the Faculty Senate. Includes details from the 9-10-2019 meeting, a note of encouragement for senators to attend the RUSO Board Meeting on 10-10-19 as they are able, and a note that the Annual Faculty Senate Survey was emailed to Faculty on 8-22-2019 (required password is in the report).
- Faculty Senate News Brief from the 9-18 meeting, emailed to Faculty on 9-23.
October 2, 2019
- Minutes from the Budget Committee meeting held on 9-25.
- Report from the Committee on Committees, includes a motion for three appointee replacements.
- Notes from the FS Executive Committee meeting held 9-25-2019 with Vice President of University Advancement Kyle Stafford and Manager of Marketing Blake Allen, on the website. Includes five specific requests to re-order the page structure, improve functionality, and restore archival documents to the website.
- A letter to the Registrar requesting information about an “informal appeals process” that was brought to the Senate’s attention. The letter was presented for review at the 9-18-2019 FS meeting, approved at the 10-2-2019 FS meeting, and emailed to the Registrar on 10-3-2019.
- Report from the FS EC of the 9-25 meeting with VP Kyle Stafford on the website, and an action item for a plaque honoring President Sean Burrage.
- Faculty Senate News Brief from the October 2 meeting, emailed to faculty on 10-7-2019
October 16, 2019
- Report from the Personnel Policies Committee of the meeting held on 10-2-2019. Includes two motions: (1) Deleting Appendix G 2 and a reference to the continuation form for the annual faculty evaluation from the APPM. (2) Adding a list of Bylaws and Guidelines to the Constitution of the Faculty Senate (APPM 3.3).
- Speech given by AAUP SE Chapter president Carolyn Fridley at the 10-11-2019 meeting of the RUSO Board, on the “The Importance and Success of Shared Governance at SEOSU,” and urging the Regents to allow a meaningful faculty voice in the selection of our new president, in order to continue our success.
- Report from the FS Executive Committee on its meeting with President Burrage on 10-8-2019.
- Response from the Registrar’s Office (dated 10-3-19) to the FS’s 10-3-19 email regarding grade change policy.
- Committee on Committees motion to change the Membership statement of the General Education Council: change Health, Physical Education and Recreation to Kinesiology.
- Faculty Senate News Brief from the October 16 meeting, emailed to faculty on 10-21-2019.
- Compilation of FS recommendations for the APPM, emailed to Interim-President Bryon Clark and VPAA Teresa Golden on 10-18-2019.
October 30, 2019
- Committee on Committees Motion to make an addition to the General Education Council Function.
- Executive Committee Report of the meeting on 10-22-19, and additional information items, including a recommendation for the HLC Quality Initiatives Proposal (“Assessing the Quality of Online Courses”), and a notification that the first meeting of the presidential search committee will be November 19.
- Planning Committee Minutes from the meeting of 10-21-19, topics included the Awards policy and drafting a list of required elements for a course syllabus.
- Results of Survey on the the topic for the Shared Governance Forum of November 12 (topic chosen by FS). The survey was available from October 23 to October 29 for all faculty and staff. There were 71 participants.
- Data on MBA Retention and Graduation Rates, forwarded to the FS by Tim Boatmun, Dean of Graduate School, e-programming, and academic support.
- Response letter, replying to Registrar Rachel Toews.
- Faculty Senate News Brief, from the October 30 meeting, emailed to faculty on 11-4-2019.
November 13, 2019
- Notes from the Executive Committee meeting with Interim-President Bryon Clark and VPAA Teresa Golden held on 11-5-2019. Topics included the new state law on campus speech, fall enrollment, Holiday stipend, Shared Governance Forum (11-12) being broadcast via Zoom, FS budget (funding for awards), recommended updates to the APPM, and adoption of the IDEA Student Ratings on Instruction instrument.
- Report from the Executive Committee with several information items.
- Faculty Senate News Brief from the November 13 meeting, emailed to faculty on 11-20-2019.
December 4, 2019
- Report from the Executive Committee
- Report from the Committee on Committees of the meeting held on 11-20-2019. Includes a motion recommending placement of the Insurance and Benefits Committee (including revised membership and function statements) in the APPM 3.6.2 Other Committees and Councils. And a recommendation for changes to the Distance Education Council membership to reflect current practice. Dan Althoff was elected as the new committee chair.
- Report from the Personnel Policies Committee of the meeting held on 11-20-2019. Includes a new committee charge to review the Sabbatical Leave Policy (APPM 5.1.1) and practices. And, a proposal for a joint effort with the Executive Committee to gather data on faculty teaching overloads and compensation arrangements for faculty using coaches in accelerated online courses.
- Faculty Senate News Brief from the December 4 meeting, emailed to faculty on 12-11-2019.
Spring 2019 Documents
- February 13: Agenda for the Committee on Committees (CoC) meeting of 2-11-2019, and Revised Charges for the CoC (includes the FS Chair rescinding an earlier charge from September 2018 to create a proposal for a university-wide entity that will address information technology)
- February 13: Treasurer’s Report
- February 13: Notes from the meeting between the FS Executive Committee and President Burrage, held on 2-5-2019. Topics included campus preparation for an active shooter event, prospects for an across the board raise in adjunct instructors’ pay, and clarification about the faculty hiring request timeline.
- February 13: Notes from the 2-12-2019 meeting between FS Chair Althoff and VPAA Clark
- February 19: Shared Governance Forum “Budget Planning: All the Moving Pieces” (topic chosen by the administration) was held on Tuesday, February 19, 2019. PowerPoint slides used by VPAA Bryon Clark for the presentation. (SE Budgeting Timeline)
- February 27: Recommended appointments from the Committee on Committees for the Faculty Senate’s approval.
- February 27: Second draft of a letter to the ECU Faculty Senate, drafted by chair Althoff and the University Affairs Committee (chaired by Josh Nannestad), intended to forge a cooperative working relation with our sister institution.
- February 27: Standardizing Course Procedures in the APPM, a document listing possible gaps and inconsistencies in course practices and procedures. Sent by Chair Althoff to President Burrage and discussed at the 2-26-2019 meeting (Notes) between the FS Executive Committee and the President.
- March 13: Report from the Volunteer Task Force on Standardizing Academic Courses meeting held on 3-6-2019.
- March 27: Response from the ECU Faculty Senate to our letter, expressing their appreciation for our outreach and their eagerness to arrange a meeting of the two Faculty Senates.
- March 27: Document with possible talking points and discussion items for the April 1 Shared Governance Forum, “Balancing Teaching, Information Technology, and Distance Education” (topic chosen by the Faculty Senate).
- March 27: Treasurer’s Report
- March 27: A proposal from the Academic Council for changes in the post-tenure review policy. This proposal was routed to the Personnel Policies Committee.
- March 27: Report from the Personnel Policies Committee of the meeting held on 3-26-2019
- April 10: A motion from the Personnel Policies Committee on changes to the post-tenure review policy (APPM, E) and an item for consideration (amendment to APPM 4.4.4 on the annual faculty development plan)
- April 10: A draft of a resolution in support of President Burrage,
concerning his leave of absence - April 24: Personnel Policies Committee Report from the meeting of 4-17-2019. Includes five motions for modifying the Faculty Grievance Policy (APPM 4.4.6) and related portions of the APPM.
- April 24: Change in Budget Allocation Request for the FS Budget, from the FS Executive Committee, sent on 4-17-2019 to Dr. Bryon Clark (Acting President), Mr. Dennis Westman (VP for Business Affairs), and Dr. Tim Boatmun, (Acting VP for Academic Affairs).
- April 24: Resolution in support of President Sean Burrage during his leave of absence, and offering the Faculty Senate’s assistance to Acting President Clark and Acting VP Boatmun in continuing “the excellent tradition of shared governance that President Burrage has helped foster.” Approved by the FS on 4-10-2019.
- April 24: Response and “thank you” from RUSO for the Faculty Senate Resolution in support of President Burrage. Sent by Mark Stansberry (RUSO Chairman) on 4-16-2019.
- April 24: Budget Committee Year-End Report
- April 24: Committee on Committees Year-End Report
- April 24: Executive Committee Year-End Report
- April 24: Personnel Policies Committee Year-End Report
- April 24: Planning Committee Year-End Report
- April 24: University Affairs Committee Year-End Report
Fall 2018 Documents
- September 19: Minutes from the Committee on Committee’s (CoC) meeting of 9-11-2018, includes information on the CoC’s charge to develop a proposal for IT Organizational Structure.
- September 19: Minutes from the Planning Committee meeting of 9-17-2018
- September 19: Treasurer’s Report, includes notes on how the FS Awards’ stipend is taken in the form of salary.
- September 19: Minutes from the Budget Committee meeting of 9-12-2018
- September 19: Minutes from the University Affairs Committee (UAC) meeting of 9-18-2018. Information on the Master Development Plan Task Force that will include the UAC. The task force is being organized and directed by Mike Davis, Director of Safety and Compliance.
- September 19: Minutes from the Personnel Policies Committee meeting of 9-17-2018
- September 19: Two draft proposals on faculty compensation: a proposal on a procedure for Annual Adjustments, and a proposal for a retroactive restoration of Longevity-Step-Increases.
- September 19: A Proposal on Faculty Compensation that was approved unanimously by the Faculty Senate. The proposal will be emailed to President Burrage, and will be a priority item for the Executive Committee when they meet with President Burrage on Tuesday, September 25, to discuss the university budget.
- October 3: Minutes from the Committee on Committees meeting held on September 24, 2018. Includes discussion of Information Technologies Organizational Structure, Center for Instructional Development and Technology, the Distance Education Council, and faculty’s primary responsibility for curricular matters.
- October 3: Proposals from the Planning Committee for changes to the Faculty Senate Awards process.
- October 3: Motion to re-send to VPAA Bryon Clark the Intellectual Property proposal that was approved by the Faculty Senate on April 11, 2018 (V. Other, A.), and request that the proposed policy be included in the Academic Policies and Procedures Manual (APPM 7.10.3) with all deliberate speed. This motion was made by the Personnel Policies Committee and its charge to follow up on the intellectual property policy proposal.
- October 3: Notes from the September 25 meeting with the FS Executive Committee, the SE AAUP chapter Executive Committee, and President Burrage on the budget and strategic planning. Also participating in the meeting were Dennis Westman (Vice President for Business Affairs), Bryon Clark (Vice President for Academic Affairs), Marti Phillips (Assistant Vice President for Business Affairs), and Alan Burton (Special Assistant to the President–Director University Communications).
- October 17: Minutes from the Planning Committee meeting of 10-10-2018. Includes several proposals regarding the FS Awards process.
- October 17: Report from the Committee on Committees dated 10-12-2018, regarding an appointment to the Faculty Appellate Committee.
- October 17: List of possible topics for the Shared Governance Forum scheduled for November 13, 2018.
- October 31: Notes from the October 24 meeting between the FS Executive Committee and President Burrage on faculty compensation and the budget.
- October 31: Minutes from the University Affairs Committee meeting held on 10-22-2018. Includes the list of subcommittee members for the campus Master Plan project.
- October 31: Report from the Personnel Policies Committee meeting of 10-31-2018 on adjunct pay, in preparation for the November 13 Shared Governance Forum. The report was posted after the FS meeting.
- October 31: Proposal on tuition waivers for faculty and staff dependents. Emailed to President Burrage following the FS meeting.
- November 14: Treasurer’s Report
- November 14: Notes from the meeting between the FS Executive Committee and President Burrage held on 11-6-2018, includes discussion of adjunct pay and the FS’s proposal on tuition waivers for dependents of SOSU faculty and staff.
- November 28: Notes from the Shared Governance Forum of November 13. “Improving Pay for Adjunct Faculty,” topic chosen by the Faculty Senate.
- November 28: Minutes from the Committee on Committees meeting held on 11-14-2018.
- November 28: Three motions from the Committee on Committees.
- November 28: Proposed dates for the Spring 2019 calendar: FS meetings, Shared Governance Forums, Executive Committee meetings with President Burrage.
- November 28: Draft of a letter to the Faculty Senate of East Central University.
- November 28: A form for the FS to identify and rank budget priorities.
- November 28: End-of-semester status report from the Personnel Policies Committee.
Spring 2018 Documents
Note: file errors in prevented the upload of docs. Solution is being sought. Links in this section are not valid.
- January 31: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 1-31-2018. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Wednesday, 2-7-2018.
- February 14: Personnel Policies Committee Report from a meeting held on 2-8-2018. Discussion centered on issues related to accelerated online programs: class enrollment numbers and caps, teaching loads, and compensation.
- February 14: Draft Resolution urgently requesting that timely updates be made to the APPM (particularly FS recommendations that have been approved).
- February 14: Planning Committee Minutes from the meeting held on 2-2-2018, primarily information about the FS Awards processes and requesting support letters from award nominees.
- February 14: Committee on Committees Report from the meeting of 2-9-2018, concerning the status of the ad hoc Learning Technologies Council.
- February 14: Learning Technology Plan created and compiled by the Learning Technologies Council – Ad Hoc, and submitted to the Committee on Committees on 12-15-2017.
- February 14: University Affairs Committee Minutes from the meeting of 10-25-2018.
- February 28: Committee on Committees (CoC) Report from the meeting of 2-23-2018, primarily concerning the status of the former Learning Technologies Council-Ad Hoc. A “Function-Recommendations-Charges” Timeline about the CoC’s work with the former Learning Technologies Council-Ad Hoc.
- February 28: Executive Committee Report on the meeting with President Burrage held on 2-15-2018. Topics discussed included status and developments regarding the state budget and the Oklahoma Legislature, updates and edits for the Academic Policies and Procedures Manual (APPM), course loads/enrollment caps/and compensation for those teaching accelerated 7-week online courses, and the work of the Committee on Committees regarding the ad hoc Learning Technologies Council.
- February 28: Executive Committee Report on the meeting of 2-20-2018. The primary topic was the work of the Committee on Committees regarding the ad hoc Learning Technologies Council.
- February 28: Archivist Report on the changes and updates to the Academic Policies and Procedures Manual (APPM) that were announced via email to SE Faculty on February 20, 2018 by Vice President for Academic Affairs, Bryon Clark. Also included is the status of five Faculty Senate recommendations that are still pending approval and/or inclusion in the APPM.
- March 14: University Affairs Committee Minutes from the meeting held on 2-7-2018, primarily on issues of campus facilities and maintenance. Dan Simmons, Director of the Physical Plant was a guest at the meeting.
- March 27: Notes from the Shared Governance Forum “The Higher Learning Commission” (topic chosen by the Administration). A handout outline of “HLC 10-Year Cycle” was distributed and discussed.
- March 28: Faculty Senate Awards Policy (this is a narrative account of the awards policy that was approved—in outline form—by the Faculty Senate on November 30, 2016. At the FS meeting of March 28, 2018, a paragraph on the late March vote to determine the top 5 nominees for each school was approved and added to this policy).
- March 28: Notes from the March 26 meeting between the Executive Committee and President Burrage. Includes a statement in support of Oklahoma’s students, teachers, and professional support staff and the anticipated teacher walkout scheduled for April 2. The statement was approved by the Faculty Senate and was put to a vote of the faculty as a whole on March 29. The Statement was overwhelmingly approved by the faculty of Southeastern and the results of the vote were sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Sunday, 4-1-2018.
- April 11: Report from the Committee on Committees meeting held on 4-6-2018.
- April 11: Report from the University Affairs Committee meeting held on 4-11-2018.
- April 25: Notes from the Executive Committee meeting held on 4-17-2018. The purpose of the meeting was to review, revise, and propose questions for the annual Faculty Survey.
- April 25: Report from the Committee on Committees meeting held on 4-19-2018. Includes appointments for general faculty committees and councils (i.e. university committees).
- April 25: Notes from the meeting of the Executive and Personnel Policies Committee and VPAA Bryon Clark that was held on 4-10-2018. Discussion included the proposed Intellectual Property Policy and updates to the Academic Policies and Procedures Manual (APPM).
- April 25: Notes from the meeting of the Executive Committee and President Burrage that was held on 4-18-2018. Discussion included a preview of the Shared Governance Forum (4-30-2-2018) topic, Revisiting the Budget Process.
- April 25: Summary of the Learning Technology Plan produced by the Learning Technologies Council-ad hoc and submitted on December 15, 2017. A letter of recognition for the work of the LTC-ad hoc from the chair of the Committee on Committees.
- April 25: Report from the Personnel Policies Committee meeting held on 4-20-2018.
- April 25: Year-End Report from the University Affairs Committee
- April 25: Year-End Report from the Budget Committee
- April 25: Year-End Report from the Planning Committee
- April 25: Year-End Report from the Faculty Senate Treasurer (a budget activity summary from July 2017-May 2018)
- July 17: Agenda and topics for an Executive Committee meeting to discuss senate priorities for 2018–2019
- July 17: Email from the Texas Council of Faculty Senates, inviting participation in an October meeting in Austin.
- July 30: Year-End Report from the Personnel Policies Committee
Fall 2017 Documents
Fall 2017
Faculty Senate Meeting Schedule Fall 2017
- September 6: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 9-6-2017. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Tuesday, 9-13-2017.
- September 20: Treasurer’s Report
- September 20: Minutes from the meeting of the Executive Committee that was held on 9-13-2017.
- September 20: Policy Recommendation for APPM 4.6.8 on Dismissal of Tenured Faculty for Financial Retrenchment or Program Discontinuance. This recommendation was revised by the Executive Committee in the summer of 2017.
- September 20: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 9-20-2017. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Thursday, 9-28-2017.
- October 4: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 10-4-2017. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Friday, 10-13-2017.
- October 4: VPAA Bryon Clark’s response to the Faculty Senate’s request for a written clarification of RUSO Counsel’s concerns about a proposal to amend APPM 7.10.3 Intellectual Property. This was sent to FS Chair Dan Althoff on 10-3-2017, and Althoff read excerpts at the 10-4-2017 meeting.
- October 4: Committee on Committees Report from the meeting held on 10-2-2017. Includes appointments to fill vacancies and replacements on university committees.
- October 4: Budget Committee Report from the meeting held on 9-27-2017
- October 4: Personnel Policies Committee Report includes minutes from the 9-28-2017 meeting, three motions for editorial changes to APPM 4.6.4, 4.6.3, and 4.5.3, and a list of requested changes to the APPM that was emailed to VPAA Bryon Clark on 10-2-2017 by the FS archivist.
- October 4: Motion–Policy Recommendation for APPM 4.6.8 on Dismissal of Tenured Faculty for Financial Retrenchment or Program Discontinuance. This recommendation was revised by the Executive Committee in September of 2017.
- October 18: Report from the Budget Committee, a meeting is scheduled for October 31st with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, President Burrage, VP Clark, and VP Westman.
- October 31: “A Look at Inflation-Adjusted Faculty Salaries” a report compiled by Senator Moretti that charts faculty salaries and rank from 1993 to 2017. This report was presented and discussed at the meeting of the Faculty Senate Executive and Budget Committee, and President Burrage, VPAA Clark, and VP for Business Dennis Westman.
- November 1: Report from the Committee on Committees, filed 10-25-2017, includes an appointment to the Faculty Appellate Committee for the Senate’s approval.
- November 1: Minutes from the University Affairs Committee meeting held on 10-17-2017.
- November 1: Motion to revise the language of a proposed Intellectual Property policy (recommended for APPM 7.10.3).
- November 1: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about recent activities of the FS. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Tuesday, 11-7-2017.
- November 15: Report from the Personnel Policies Committee meeting held on 11-6-2017. Includes five motions for the Senate’s vote.
- November 15: Four motions approved by the Faculty Senate
- November 28: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about recent activities of the FS. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Tuesday, 11-28-2017.
- November 29: Revised motion for changes and additions to APPM 4.6.3. The original motion from the Personnel Policies Committee was postponed at the 11-15-2017 meeting.
- November 29: Email exchange between Senator Emge and Kristie Luke (Associate Dean of Academic Records and Registrar) regarding the possibility of shortening the add/drop period.
- December 6: A proposed Resolution regarding the faculty hiring process.
- December 6: Resolution, as approved, regarding the faculty hiring process, urging the Administration to adopt a clearly-defined, standardized, and transparent process in its decisions to hire faculty members.
Spring 2017 Documents
Meeting Schedule for Spring 2017
- January 24: Minutes from a meeting of the Executive Committee to discuss and work on a Reduction in Force Policy.
- January 25: A Nomination Report of the number of nominations received at this point in the Faculty Senate Awards process.
- January 25: Two motions for editorial changes to the Post-Tenure Review Policy (APPM 4.4.7). The first motion is for a non-substantive change in numbering. The second motion is to change references to the Executive Dean for Academic Affairs (EDAA) to refer to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) or designee.
- January 25: A letter from the SE AAUP Chapter President thanking the Faculty Senate for its support of the Chapter’s Revitalizing Faculty and Re-imagining Programs Proposal.
- January 25: A Shared Leave Policy proposal was forwarded to the Faculty Senate from the Leave Policy Committee recommending an update of the Sick Leave Sharing Policy, section 12.9.7 of the Administrative, Professional, and Support Staff Employee Handbook.
- January 25: In the Faculty Senate a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 1-25-2017. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Wednesday, 2-1-2017.
- January 30: Report from the Travel Subcommittee of the Budget Task Force, Report from the SCH and Enrollment Subcommittee of the Budget Task Force (members of the Faculty Senate Budget Committee serve on the Budget Task Force and its subcommittees).
- February 27: Announcement for the Chair-elect elections and nominations
- February 27: Formation of an Ad Hoc Learning Technologies Council—document of function, charges and membership, Learning Technologies Plan
- February 22: Guns on Campus Resolution approved by the Faculty Senate on 2-22-2017.
- February 22: In the Faculty Senate a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 2-22-2017. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Monday, 2-27-2017.
- February 22: A motion from the Executive Committee recommending changes and additions to the APPM 4.6.8.
- February 13: Document provided at the meeting between the Executive Committee and President Burrage that includes a pie-chart of SE’s FY 2017 Budget by Revenue, and a list of major events that could trigger a financial retrenchment.
- February 8: In the Faculty Senate a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 2-8-2017. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Tuesday, 2-14-2017.
- February 8: Minutes from the Committee on Committees meeting of 1-27-2017, includes a proposal to change the membership for the Graduate Council (APPM 3.6.1).
- March 6: Notes from the Shared Governance Forum, “Technology, Graduate Programs, the University Mission” (topic chosen by the Administration).
- March 8: Minutes from the Committee on Committees meeting of 2-24-27 on the formation of an ad hoc Learning Technologies Council. A memo from the Faculty Senate Chair calling for the formation of an ad hoc Learning Technologies Council.
- March 8: Motion for recommended changes to the Distance Education Council’s function statement (APPM 3.6.1).
- March 8: Intellectual Property Statement drafted by the Distance Education Council (DEC), reviewed by RUSO legal counsel and approved by the Academic Council on 11-30-2016. A revised Intellectual Property Statement approved by the DEC on 2-28-2017 and forwarded for the Faculty Senate’s review and consideration for possible placement in the APPM.
- March 22: In the Faculty Senate a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 3-22-2017. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Wednesday, 3-30-2017.
- April 5: Report from the Personnel Policies Committee from a meeting on 3-31-2017 includes: appointing members to the Insurance and Benefits Committee, discussion of faculty salary and a (Cost of Living Adjustment) COLA motion, discussion of the progress and status of the AAUP revitalizing faculty and re-imagining programs initiative, review of charges, and new business item to consider matters related to intellectual property. A motion on a proposed COLA.
- April 5: In the Faculty Senate a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 4-5-2017. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Wednesday, 4-11-2017.
- April 11: Notes from the Shared Governance Forum What is the Budget Process and How Can We Make It Better? (topic chosen by the Faculty Senate). The Notes include two documents prepared by Vice President for Business Affairs Dennis Westman: Budgeting Timeline and Overview, and Student Fee Overview. Two other documents were used at the Forum: Forum on Shared Governance 2 (a PowerPoint presentation), and a Draft of a Budget Process Overview (for discussion purposes only).
- April 18: Agenda for the Executive Committee’s meeting with President Burrage
- April 26: Minutes from the Committee on Committees meeting held on 4-20-2017. Includes the list of nominations for 2017-2018 committee appointments and replacements, and a motion to add two ex-officio members to the Bachelor of Science in Liberal & Applied Studies Coordinating Committee and to change the APPM 3.5 accordingly.
- April 26: A Draft Proposal for the Faculty Senate Awards Nomination and Voting Process, Timeline from the Planning Committee
- April 26: End of the Year Report from the Budget Committee
- April 26: End of the Year Report from the Committee on Committees
- April 26: End of the Year Report from the Executive Committee
- April 26: End of the Year Report from the Personnel Policies Committee
- April 26: End of the Year Report from the Planning Committee
- April 26: End of the Year Faculty Senate Treasurer’s Report, a Budget Activity Summary from July 2016–May 2017
Fall 2016 Documents
- August 31, 2016: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 8-31-2016. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Friday, 9-9-2016.
- September 14, 2016: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 9-14-2016. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Monday, 9-26-2016.
- September 14, 2016: Treasurer’s Report
- September 28, 2016: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 9-14-2016. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Monday, 10-3-2016.
- September 28, 2016: Personnel Policies Committee Report from a meeting held on 9-22-2016.
- September 28, 2016: Committee on Committees Report from a meeting held on 9-21-2016, includes nominations to fill vacancies on several University Committees.
- October 3, 2016: Report on the Shared Governance Forum, A Committee Structure that Works for Us (topic chosen by the Faculty Senate)
- October 12, 2016: Budget Committee minutes (approval pending) from a meeting held on 9-29-2016.
- October 26, 2016: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 10-26-2016. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Monday, 11-4-2016.
- November 9, 2016: Planning Committee minutes from a meeting held on October 5, 2016. A draft of a Survey Monkey nomination form including proposed changes for the Faculty Senate Awards nomination process.
- November 9, 2016: Committee on Committees minutes from a meeting held on November 7, 2016. Includes a motion to change the membership composition of the General Education Council.
- November 9, 2016: Executive Committee Minutes from a meeting held on November 2, 2016. A document of notes and points of consideration for the meeting’s discussion about the development of a reduction in force policy.
- November 9, 2016: Personnel Policies Committee Report from the meetings held on October 26, 2016 and November 3, 2016. Three motions for the FS from the PPC: [1] change numbering in the APPM 3.6 [2] change the description of the Shared Governance Forum format to conform to current practice (APPM 3.8) [3] to review, discuss, and vote to support an SE AAUP Chapter proposal for a revitalization of force initiative (draft of the proposal included).
- November 9, 2016: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 11-9-2016. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Tuesday, 11-15-2016.
- November 15, 2016: Notes from the Forum on Shared Governance, Building Relationships, Recruitment and Retention (topic chosen by the administration). 2016-2017 Scholarship Opportunities a handout on scholarships provided at the forum.
- November 30, 2016: Planning Committee Minutes from a meeting held on November 2, 2016. A draft document of a revised voting process for the Faculty Senate Awards.
- November 30, 2016: Committee on Committees Minutes from a meeting held on November 22, 2016 and includes a proposal on the membership statement for the Graduate Council.
- November 30, 2016: A motion (revised with edits), and a clean revised motion from the Personnel Policies Committee for formalizing the Insurance and Benefits Committee. The approved motion to establish the Insurance and Benefits Committee.
- November 30, 2016: A Shared Leave Policy proposal was forwarded to the Faculty Senate.
- November 30, 2016: A Faculty Senate Resolution supporting and endorsing a Revitalizing Faculty (and Re-imagining Programs) Proposal put forth by SE’s AAUP Chapter. The motion for the Senate to vote on endorsing and supporting the Proposal was made and approved at the November 9 meeting. An email vote was conducted, and Faculty Senate Chair Steven Emge announced in an email on November 30 that the Faculty Senate had voted to approve endorsing and supporting the Proposal. The Resolution was forwarded to AAUP Chapter President Carolyn Fridley, Vice President for Academic Affairs Bryon Clark, and Chair of the Academic Council Randy Prus. The Academic Council voted to approve the Proposal at their meeting on November 30.
Spring 2016 Documents
December 2015 and Spring 2016
- December 15: President Burrage’s recommendation for the continuation of the Academics, Budget, and Grants Presidential Advisory Committees (PACs) and for their incorporation into the university committee structure as a standing committee.
- January 13: The Faculty Senate Executive Committee was invited to attend the Department Chairs’ meeting to share information and answer questions about the implementation of the post-tenure review policy and procedure. Attendees were provided with a timeline and a flowchart for the post-tenure review process. [Updated drafts of a timeline and flowchart were posted on 7-16-2016, keyed to proposed sections of the APPM]
- January 18: Response-recommendations from the FS Executive Committee (EC) regarding President Burrage’s recommendation on the PACs. FS Chair Steven Emge solicited comments from the FS EC on Burrage’s recommendation/proposal. On the basis of these comments, Emge drafted a response that was emailed to the EC (1-8-2016) for further comment. That draft was then sent to the President and to the FS for discussion at the January 20 FS meeting.
- January 20: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 1-20-2016. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Monday, 1-25-2016.
- January 27: The Personnel Policies Committee (PPC) and the Committee on Committees will meet to begin the project of reviewing the university committee structure and the portions of the APPM that pertain to the committee structure. William Fridley (chair of the PPC and FS Archivist) prepared four documents with charts and graphs that depict the current committee structure and the number of faculty participating in the committees: Faculty Senate Committees, University Committees, University Councils, and Committee Load.
- February 3: Report from the meeting of the Personnel Policies Committee and Committee on Committees that took place on 1-27-2016 regarding the review of the university committee structure and the related sections of the APPM.
- February 3: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 2-3-2016. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Wednesday, 2-3-2016.
- February 9: Minutes from the meeting between the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and President Burrage. Discussion topics included Academic Partnerships, Administrative re-structuring, and marketing-branding strategies.
- February 17: Report from the meeting of the Personnel Policies Committee and Committee on Committees that took place on 2-10-2016. Includes a draft of the edits of the APPM (3.3.2–3.4) relating to the university committee structure.
- February 17: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 2-17-2016. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Monday, 2-22-2016.
- February 23: Notes from the Shared Governance Forum, “Back to the Future: The New Southeastern” (topic chosen by the Faculty Senate). Power Point presentation outline
- March 9: Report from the meeting of the Personnel Policies Committee and Committee on Committees that took place on 2-24-2016. Includes a draft of the edits of the APPM (3.3.2–3.5) from the last three meetings, notes about pending questions, and recommendations for requesting information and advice from current university committees and councils.
- March 9: Vice Presidents McMillan and Clark will discuss possible reorganization scenarios for Academic Affairs with the Senate. Possible scenarios for discussion: Scenario A, Scenario B, Scenario C. The Scenarios and plans for their discussion were emailed from VP McMillan to FS Chair Steven Emge, who then relayed them to the Faculty Senate (2-25-2016).
- March 9: Report from the meeting of the University Affairs Committee that took place on 3-8-2016. Includes an update and review of the Scholarly Brown Bag lunches in the spring semester.
- March 9: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 3-9-2016. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Thursday, 3-24-2016.
- March 23: The chief item of discussion was the reorganization of Academic Affairs. Documents informing the discussion included the three possible scenarios from the administration (see March 9 Documents), and several additional scenarios that were provided by senators prior to the meeting: Scenario 1, Scenario 2, Scenario 3, Scenario 4 (narrative explanation).
- March 23: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 3-23-2016. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Tuesday, 4-5-2016.
- April 4: Notes (including organizational flowcharts discussed and a proposal put forward by the Senate for discussion purposes) from the Forum on Shared Governance that was held on Monday, April 4, 2016. The topic (chosen by the administration) was the Administrative Reorganization of Academic Affairs.
- April 6: Report from the meeting of the Personnel Policies Committee and the Committee on Committees that took place on Wednesday, March 30, to continue work on reviewing, editing, and revising the sections of the APPM related to the university committee and council structure.
- April 13: A New Agreement reorganization proposal for a special meeting of the Faculty Senate that is called to finalize an Administrative/Academic reorganization proposal from the Senate. The proposal is presented for discussion only and serves as an initial starting point for discussion.
- April 13: The Senate did not endorse the proposal for reorganization, but they did vote to send the administration a revised New Agreement proposal with some changes in language, and the proposal for discussion purposes (flow chart and reorganization talking points) that was presented at the April 4 Shared Governance Forum.
- April 13: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 4-13-2016. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Thursday, 4-21-2016.
- April 20: Two motions were put forth from the joint project of the Personnel Policies Committee and the Committee on Committees to review and revise the university committee and council and the relevant portions of the APPM. Motion 1 — Sections 3.3.2 through 3.4 of the current APPM be replaced with the following policies for Senate Oversight of General Faculty Committees and Councils (3.3.2), Committee and Council Definitions (3.3.3), and Operational Guidelines for General Faculty Committees and Councils (3.4). Motion 2 — An update and reorganizing of Section 3.5 (the listing of General Faculty Committees and their membership structure and function statements.
- April 27: Minutes from the Committee on Committees meeting that was held on 4-20-2016. Includes the committee appointments for 2016 – 2017.
Year-End Reports
- April 27: Treasurer’s Report, a budget activity summary (July 2015 – May 2016) submitted by FS Treasurer Kay Daigle.
- April 27: Report from the FS Budget Committee submitted by the committee chair Kay Daigle.
- April 27: Report from the FS Executive Committee submitted by FS Chair Steven Emge.
- April 27: Report from the FS Planning Committee submitted by committee chair Riley Coker.
- April 27: Report from the FS University Affairs Committee submitted by committee chair Martin Bressler.
- April 27: Report from the Committee on Committees submitted by committee chair Diane Dixon
- April 27: Report from the FS Personnel Policies Committee submitted by committee chair William Fridley
Fall 2015 Documents
Fall 2015
- September 2, 2015: Archivist Report on changes and corrections to the FS website, done in accord with the Bylaw approved on 4-29-2015
- September 2, 2015: News from Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 9-2-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Monday, 9-10-2015.
- September 16, 2015: Committee on Committees Report from the meeting that was held on September 15, 2015
- September 16, 2015: Faculty Senate Treasurer Report, submitted by Kay Daigle, Faculty Senate Treasurer
- September 16, 2015: Final revision of the Proposed Post-Tenure Review Policy that was unanimously approved by the Faculty Senate at the September 16, 2015 meeting
- September 16, 2015: News from Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 9-16-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Tuesday, 9-22-2015.
- September 28, 2015: Notes and Report from the Shared Governance Forum. The topic was chosen by the administration: Presidential Advisory Committees
- October 14, 2015: Personnel Policies Committee Report from the meeting that was held on September 23, 2015
- October 14, 2015: Planning Committee Report from the meeting that was held on September 16, 2015
- October 14, 2015: Executive Committee Report from the meeting that was held on October 5, 2015
- October 14, 2015: Proposal for the Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences (BSLAS) from the department of English, Humanities, and Languages (EHL), suggesting that the Faculty Senate appoint a committee to provide academic oversight of the BSLAS degree, with representatives from multiple disciplines across campus.
- October 14, 2015: Treasurer Report that includes a budget activity summary from July 2015 to October 12, 2015
- October 14, 2015: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 10-14-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Wednesday, 10-22-2015.
- October 28, 2015: Personnel Policies Committee Report from the meeting that was held on October 21, 2015, and the meeting held on October 26, with VP Clark to work on edits and updates to the APPM.
- October 28, 2015: The FS will determine its preference between two graphic depictions of the 2020 Academic Vision Statement. Original version, version two
- October 28, 2015: Committee on Committees Report from the meeting that was held on 10-26-2015. Includes new members for the Honors and IAC committees, name change of HSRRC to Institutional Review Board, and the issue of students serving on university committees
- October 28, 2015: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 10-28-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Tuesday, 11-3-2015.
- November 11, 2015: Personnel Policies Committee Report from the PPC meeting held on 11-4-2015. Includes a motion to add a phrase to the P & T policy (APPM 4.6.3, Step 1), and a motion requesting senate authorization of the PPC to facilitate editorial changes to the APPM.
- November 11, 2015: Planning Committee Minutes from the meeting held on 11-9-2015, includes two motions about the FS Awards procedures
- November 11, 2015: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 11-11-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Monday, 11-16-2015.
- November 17, 2015: Notes and Report from the Shared Governance Forum. The topic was chosen by the Faculty Senate: the procedures and recommendations of the Presidential Advisory Committees. Committee Power Point presentations: Academics, Enrollment-Recruiting, Fundraising-Grant-Alumni Relations, Budget
- December 2, 2015: Minutes from the Planning Committee meeting of 11-16-2015–includes a proposed Faculty Senate Awards policy
- December 2, 2015: Minutes from the Committee on Committees meeting of 11-20-2015–includes proposals and descriptions for the Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences Coordinating Committee and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
- December 2, 2015: In the Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 12-2-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Monday, 12-8-2015.
- December 10, 2015: Post-Tenure Review Policy, as approved by President Burrage. Email notice sent 12-10-2015: President Burrage has approved the attached Post Tenure Review Policy effective immediately. The first round of post tenure reviews will occur during the spring 2016 semester. In order to give all departments time to form the review panels, President Burrage has extended the deadline for department chairs to form the review panels to January 31st 2016. He has also extended the deadline to submit materials to be reviewed to January 31st as well. This is a one-time exception to the timeline to give the departments enough time to start the process. All other deadlines as specified in the policy should be followed. More information will be given to the department chairs at the first chairs meeting in January.
Spring 2015 Documents
Spring 2015
- January 21, 2015: A summary report of the Senate’s work on faculty travel funding, including collaborative efforts with the Academic Council and the Office of Finance. Report compiled and written by Senator William Fridley (FS Archivist and member of the Personnel Policies Committee).
- January 21, 2015: News from Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE Faculty about items from the FS meeting of 1-21-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Thursday, 1-29-2015.
- February 4, 2015: Report from the Committee on Committees (two nominations for committee member replacements)
- February 4, 2015: Report from the Personnel Policies Committee meeting that took place on January 28, 2015
- February 4, 2015: A recommendation on personal leave from Academic Council (1-22-2015) that was forwarded to the Personnel Policies Committee and discussed (1-28-2015) and was forwarded for discussion by the Faculty Senate.
- February 4, 2015: A document on “guns on campus” that includes reference to a Motion passed by the Faculty Senate on March 9, 2011, a brief description of the current law in Oklahoma, and a proposed Resolution to be voted on by the Faculty Senate.
- February 4, 2015: News from Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 2-4-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Tuesday, 2-10-2015.
- February 2015: Letter written by FS Chair Chris Moretti in response to a request from the Faculty Council at Northeastern Oklahoma State University–includes information on SE’s policies on summer compensation, course overload salary structure, and online course enrollment.
- February 18, 2015: Notes from the Academic Visioning Steering Team meeting
- February 25, 2015: A report from the Personnel Policies Committee from meetings on 2-11-2015 and 2-18-2015. Includes motions regarding the review of promotion and tenure policy.
- February 25, 2015: A report from the Budget Committee from a 2-11-2015 meeting with Ross Walkup, Vice President Business Affairs on the issue of faculty salaries. Includes an Appendix with the history of the Budget Committee’s charge and a proposed Five Year Plan for faculty salaries from VP Walkup.
- February 25, 2015: A motion for adopting a bylaw on “voting by proxy” at FS meetings.
- February 25, 2015: News from Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 2-25-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Tuesday, 3-3-2015.
- February 25, 2015: Notes from a meeting of the Academic Vision Steering Team
- March 6, 2015: Notes from a meeting of the Academic Vision Steering Team
- March 9, 2015: Notes from the Shared Governance Forum–topic chosen by the administration: University Marketing
- March 11, 2015: News from Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 3-11-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Tuesday, 3-20-2015.
- March 25, 2015: Presentation for the Academic Planning meeting, includes information from the 2011–2014 Faculty Senate surveys
- March 25, 2015: News from Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 3-25-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Monday, 3-25-2015.
- April 8, 2015: A revised proposal of a Post-Tenure Review Policy (draft) will be put before the Senate for review and a vote for approval. The proposed policy includes links to the AAUP Minimum Standards for Post-Tenure Review, and the Faculty Senate Principles for Post-Tenure Review.
- April 8, 2015: Personnel Policies Committee final report
- April 8, 2015: Proposed Post-Tenure Review Policy, approved unanimously by the Faculty Senate
- April 8, 2015: News from Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 4-8-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Monday, 4-13-2015.
- April 24, 2015: Slides used in the presentation at the Shared Governance Forum on the topic of the Faculty Senate’s proposed post-tenure review policy.
- April 29, 2015: Year-End Report from the Executive Committee
- April 29, 2015: Year-End Report from the Personnel Policies Committee
- April 29, 2015: Year-End Report and summary of charges from the Budget Committee
- April 29, 2015: Minutes from the meeting of the Committee on Committees held on 4-24-2015. Includes nominations for University Committees for 2015-2016.
- April 29, 2015: Year-End Report from the Committee on Committees
- April 29, 2015: Year-End Report from the Planning Committee
- April 29, 2015: Year-End Report from the University Affairs Committee
- April 29, 2015: Treasurer’s Report including a Faculty Senate budget summary and proposal
- April 29, 2015: Motion for a Bylaw on correcting inaccuracies in the FS Archives
- April 29, 2015: News from Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 4-29-2015. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE Faculty on Monday, 5-6-2015.
Fall 2014 Documents
July 1, 2014
- Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting
August 16, 2014
- Freshman Convocation Speech given by Dr. Chris Moretti, Chair of the Faculty Senate
August 20, 2014
- The Senate Executive Committee met with President Burrage. Discussion included two documents prepared by Senate Chair, Chris Moretti: Senate-President Interactions, and Senate Items (past, present and future)
September 17, 2014
- Personnel Policies Committee Report and proposed ammendment to the FS Constitution
- Planning Committee Report (from September 8, 2014) and Motions
- Budget Committee Report (from September 15, 2014)
- Committee on Committees Minutes (from September 9, 2014)
- University Affairs Committee Report (from September 10, 2014)
- Document “Historical Background on the Faculty Senate Survey Comments,” prepared by Dr. Moretti, FS Chair
The draft of a proposed post-tenure review policy is the result of a year-long joint effort between the Faculty Senate and the Office of Academic Affairs and builds on prior work in the Faculty Senate going back to 2011. This version of the proposal is currently being reviewed by our legal counsel (Charlie Babb). After legal review is complete, the President will review the document for planned implementation in the 2015-2016 academic year. Here are four documents:
- The full text of the proposal
- The proposed timeline for post-tenure review
- The Senate Executive Committee analysis of the comments received in the first round of feedback (from the general faculty, department chairs, and Executive Dean), along with the changes those comments effected in the draft
- A historical summary of the policy development, complete with links to the appropriate Faculty Senate documents
October 8, 2014
- Notes from the Executive Committee (includes information on the 9-29-14 joint meeting with the Personnel Policies Committee and VPs McMillan and Clark to discuss the proposed post-tenure review policy, and the 10-7-14 meeting with VPs McMillan and Clark to discuss academic planning)
- Report from the Budget Committee (includes information from the e-meeting of 9-30-14)
- Report from the Personnel Policies Committee (includes information from the meetings of 9-22-14, 10-6-14, and the joint meeting 0n 9-29-14 with the Executive Committee and VPs McMillan and Clark)
- Recommended policy changes brought to the FS on (1) the election of senators, (2) the election of the Senate Archivist, (3) changing terminology in the grievance policy (APPM 4.4.6)
October 13, 2014
- Shared Governance Forum Notes, slide show document, slideshow on course offerings by full-time and adjunct faculty
October 22, 2014
- Report from the Personnel Policies Committee
- Report from the Committee on Committees requesting a change in the Honors Committee membership.
- News from Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 10/22/2014. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE faculty on Friday, 10/24/2014.
October 27, 2014
- Notes from the meeting of the FS Executive Committee and President Burrage, topics include follow-up to the October 13 Shared Governance Forum and reimbursement for faculty travel.
November 5, 2014:
- Report from the Committee on Committees includes the Minutes from the meeting of October 29, 2014.
- Report from the Personnel Policies Committee from the meeting of October 29, 2014; a documentcontaining two motions (a statement of clarification on the post-tenure review policy draft, and a motion requesting FS authorize the use of Survey Monkey to survey questions on the current practices of annual review/evaluation).
- News from Faculty Senate, a brief report to SE faculty about items from the FS meeting of 11/5/2014. This was sent as a broadcast email to SE faculty on Friday, 11/7/2014.
November 13, 2014
- Notes from the Shared Governance Forum on the university budget (a topic chosen by President Burrage and the administration)
- Handout on the university budget for the Shared Governance Forum
November 19, 2014
- Report from the Budget Committee meeting that took place on November 12, 2014.
- Report from the Personnel Policies Committee meeting that took place on November 12, 2014
December 3, 2014
- Report from the Committee on Committees
2013-2014 Documents
Fall 2013
September 27, 2013:
- Notes from the meeting between President Minks and the Executive Committee
October 7, 2013
- Shared Governance Forum: Slides presented by the Faculty Senate (on Faculty Salary, Faculty Morale, and the Academic Direction of the University) Notes from the Shared Governance Forum
October 9, 2013
- Resolutions supporting the option of licensing and using of Respondus software in online classes
October 23, 2013
- Approved motions regarding Faculty Senate support of the University Mission Statement
November 6, 2013
- Motions requesting the publication of information from the Chairs’ Meetings
November 13, 2013
- Notes from a joint meeting of the Executive Committee and Personnel Policies Committee with Vice Presidents McMillan and Clark on academic planning and the post-tenure review policy
November 15, 2013
- Notes from the meeting between the Executive Committee and President Minks. Topics include certificate programs, percentage of courses taught by adjuncts, review of Forum issues, OSHRE Legislative Agenda and Budget Request, and salary stipend document
November 20, 2013
- Personnel Policies Report for the Faculty Senate meeting
- Rationale and text of approved changes to the Faculty Senate Constitution
- Two Amendments to the Faculty Senate Constitution regarding election of officers (APPM 3.3.1)
December 4, 2013
- Approved motion/recommendation on the process of administrative Withdrawal of students
- Motion on changing the requirements for Honor Graduate designations
Spring 2014
January 24, 2014
- Request for a meeting with VP McMillan and Dean Scoufos to review the implementation of the new T & P policies. The PPC and EC met with Drs. McMillan and Scoufos on February 18, 2014
January 29, 2014
- Personnel Policies Report for the Faculty Senate meeting
January 31, 2014
- The Personnel Policies and Executive Committees met with VP Clark to continue the work of reviewing, editing and updating the APPM. Review of Chapter 6 was begun. Document (2-20-2014)of correspondence with Dean Scoufos seeking clarification of APPM 6.1.1 (relating to syllabus requirements).
February 12, 2014
- Personnel Policies Report for the Faculty Senate meeting
February 26, 2014
- Document on the Need and Principles for the Family Medical Leave policy, drafted by the Personnel Policies Committee and presented to the Faculty Senate
March 7, 2014
- Notes from the meeting of the FS Executive Committee with President Minks. Topics of discussion included initial thoughts on the HLC visit, and SE finances and budget.
April 9, 2014:
- Personnel Policies Committee report for the Faculty Senate Meeting.
- Proposed changes to the P & T policy (APPM 4.6.3) from the PPC, presented for the Senate’s approval at the April 9th meeting.
- Proposal to reduce the size of the Faculty Senate, from the PPC, presented for the Senate’s approval at the April 9th meeting.
- Proposal to define the dates of service for Faculty Senate officers, from the PPC, presented for the Senate’s approval at the April 9th meeting
- Recommended changes to T & P policy changes, forwarded to VP McMillan on 5-12-2014
Documents relating to presidential searches and faculty involvement were shared at the April 9, FS meeting:
- RUSO Policy for Presidential Selection
- Southeastern presidential advertisment for nominations and applications
- December 3, 2009, letter from FS Chair Kenneth Chinn to Regent Sandy Garrett, voicing support for faculty participation in presidential searches
April 23, 2014
- Letter from the Chair of the Faculty Senate to Vice President McMillan regarding staffing concerns for the Center for Instructional Design & Technology (CIDT).
- Report from Personnel Policies for the FS meeting
- Year-end report from the Executive Committee
- Year-end report from Personnel Policies and supplementary documentation.
- Year-end report from University Affairs
- Year-end report from the Budget Committee, and budget/salary data: CUPA survey data of Assistant Professor salaries by discipline (graphs).
- Year-end report from the Planning Committee
May, 2014
- Senate nominations for University Committee members (2014–2015)
- Senate vote on the University Committee new member slate (2014–2015)
2012-2013 Documents
Fall 2012
October 10, 2012
- Recent Background on Post-Tenure Review document presented at the Faculty Senate meeting of October 10, 2012.
- Post-Tenure Review Policy Draft document presented at the Faculty Senate meeting of October 10, 2012
- Post-Tenure Review Policy approved by the Faculty Senate on October 10, 2012.
October 24, 2012
- Personnel Policies Report
- T & P Policy Recommendations submitted for the Faculty Senate to consider at the meeting of October 24, 2012.
- T & P Policy Recommendations and APPM Placement approved at the Faculty Senate meeting of October 24, 2012.
November 14, 2012
- University Affairs Report, includes notes on the role of collegiality.
Spring 2013
January 15, 2013
February 13, 2013
March 13, 2013
April 17, 2013
- The Senate approved two documents that included policy recommendations for the Tenure and Promotion processes, and policy modifications for the composition and function of the Faculty Appellate Committee.
May 1, 2013, Faculty Senate Subcommittees’ Year-End Reports
2011-2012 Documents
Fall 2011
- September 21, 2011, University Affairs Committee Report
- September 26, 2011, Committee on Committees Report
- October 14, 2011, Agenda Memo for FS Executive Committee Meeting with President Minks
- October 17, 2011, Minutes from the meeting of FS Executive Committee and President Minks
- October 19, 2011, Memo from President Minks on the Analysis of Tuition Waivers for SE Employee Dependents
- October 26, 2011, Shared Governance Proposal (approved by the Senate on 10/26)
- November 2, 2011–Four Documents from the Budget Committee: Executive Summary Analysis; Faculty Salary Analysis; Income Breakdowns; Budget Breakdowns
- November 2, 2011, Committee on Committees Report
- November 13, 2011, Personnel Policies Committee Report (includes information on the Post-Tenure Review Task Force)
- November 21, 2011, Minutes from the meeting of the FS Executive Committee and President Minks
- November 30, 2011, Personnel Policies Committee Report
- November 30, 2011, Shared Governance Proposal (amended to include proposed placement in the APPM and approved by the Senate on Nov. 23).
Spring 2012
- January 25, 2012, Archivist Report
- January 25, 2012, Personnel Policies Committee Report
- February 6, 2012, Report Document “A Critical Analysis of the Faculty Senate’s Principles for Post-Tenure Review: An Explanation, Clarification, and Justification with Policy Recommendations”–this was prepared for the Post-Tenure Review Task Force and was approved at the February 8 meeting of the Faculty Senate
- February 22, 2012, The Faculty Senate approved the document: “Post-Tenure Review: A Recommended Policy and Procedure.” It was sent to Dean Scoufos, Chair of the Post-Tenure Review Task Force, and she forwarded the document to the other members of the Task-Force.
- March 14, 2012, Archivist Report for the Faculty Senate Meeting of Wednesday, March 14, 2012 (includes items related to doumenting Faculty Senate actions and for improving communication with the administration)
- March 14, 2012, Personnel Policies Committee Report for the Faculty Senate Meeting of Wednesday, March 14,2012 (includes items related to Dr. McMillan’s request for information related to the PPC report of 1-25-2012, and requested action items for the work between Dr. Clark and the PPC on the APPM)
- April 4, 2012, Personnel Policies Report for the Faculty Senate Meeting of April 4, 2012 (includes a report about the second meeting of the Post-Tenure Review Task Force that was held on March 28, 2012)
- April 25, 2012, Summary of Faculty Senate Survey on Tenure and Promotion: includes survey data gathered from from faculty on issues relating to tenure and promotion policy, procedures and practices. This information was gathered for and presented at the Spring 2012 Forum on Shared Governance that was held on April 25th, 2012.
- April 27, 2012, Executive Committee Report of the meeting with Vice President McMillan (topics included communication and tracking of FS motions, resolutions and policy recommendations and modifications of the APPM)
- Summary of the 2012 Faculty Senate Survey on Tenure and Promotion–this document was prepared for the Forum on Shared Governance that was held on April 25th, 2012
- Joint Archivist/Personnel Policies Report: includes Faculty Senate documentation that was requested by Dr. McMillan on February 22, 2012. This Report was emailed to Dr. McMillan on April 23, 2012 and was submitted to the Faculty Senate at the May 2, 2012 meeting. Link to the Report Appendices
- May 2012, Annual Faculty Senate Survey: includes quantitative data of responses to the survey questions and analysis
Year End Reports from Faculty Senate Committees:
- University Affairs Committee
- Committee on Committees, 2012 University Committee Nominations
- Planning Committee
2010-2011 Documents
Fall 2010
- September
- October
- November
Spring 2011
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
2009-2010 Documents
Herein are SE Faculty Senate Documents sent to the SE Administration and replies to them for the months in which the SE Faculty Senate met in the school year of 2009 – 2010.
Fall 2009
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May