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Scholarships and Waivers

 Honors & Leadership Deadline: January 31

General Scholarship Deadline: March 1

Southeastern offers many scholarships to help you finance your education. A scholarship is a financial award given to a student on the basis of academic achievement and promise. Awards are often merit-based, though there are some that consider financial need as well. While scholarships do not have to be repaid, most require academic progress requirements to be maintained, and full-time enrollment (at least 12 hours per semester; can be for Full Term, Term 1, or Term 2, but must be enrolled full-time by Add/Drop date of the intended semester)


  1. To apply for a scholarship, you must be admitted to Southeastern. Click here to complete the admissions application. 
  2. Apply! Click to complete the General Scholarship Application .

Dates to Remember: 

  • January 31, 2025 Deadline – President’s Leadership Class & Honors Program, John Massey Leadership Scholars Programs (JMLS) Applications are due.
  • March 1 Priority Date – General Scholarship Application due.

Scholarship award notifications are sent to the student’s Southeastern email in late Spring for upcoming year. Applications received after the priority deadlines may not be considered for all scholarship programs and will be considered only if funds remain available. Scholarship applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.

General Scholarship Application

  • Use Google Chrome when accessing the General Scholarship Application. 

General Scholarship Application

Honors and Leadership Scholarships


Tribal Scholarships Open Close

Apache Tribe

Phone: 405-247-9493


Cherokee Nation

Phone: 1-800-256-0671

College Resources

Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes

Phone: 1-800-247-4612


Chickasaw Nation

Phone: 580-421-7711

Higher Education Grants, Scholarships, and Incentives

Chickasaw Foundation

Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma

Phone: 1-800-522-6170

Post-Secondary Education Resources

Chahta Foundation

Choctaw Nation Career Development Programs

Comanche Nation

Phone: 580-492-3773


Muscogee (Creek) Nation

Phone: 918-756-8700

Higher Education

Creek Nation Foundation

Kickapoo Tribe

Phone: 405-964-4204


Mississippi Band of Choctaw

Phone: 601-656-5251


Osage Tribe

Phone: 1-800-390-6794


Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation

Phone: 785-966-2960


Ponca Tribe

Phone: 580-763-0126


Tonkawa Tribe

Phone: 580-628-2561


Other Scholarship Links Open Close

Find state, federal, & career scholarship links.  Locate scholarship tips, database, and more.  Remember to check with your local bank/credit union, community organizations, and more.

Other Scholarship Links

Native American Student Association Senior Scholarship

Inspired to Teach Scholarship

Direct Complete Scholarship

New Freshman Scholarship Sheet
New Out of State Freshman Scholarship Sheet
New Entering Transfer Students


Questions? Contact Us!

Jennifer Rudolf
Director of Scholarships
SE Welcome Center
Phone: 580.745.3212