Cash is the most common form of gift that comes to the Southeastern Foundation. Your gift of cash, like other gifts, can be directed to a fund, specific scholarship, or program. Make your check payable to “Southeastern Foundation, Inc.”
Contributions of stock or real estate with appreciated value are another way to lend support. When the Southeastern Foundation acquires your gift of appreciated stock or property, you receive a tax deduction equal to its fair market value, and avoid costly capital gains tax on the increase in value.
Your donations of software, licenses, services, vendor products, and other property also support the mission and programs of Southeastern. Gifts-in-kind allow us to use our resources for other needs while you get a tax credit for your support. Contact us for guidelines and acceptance policy regarding gifts-in-kind.
Naming the Southeastern Foundation as the owner and beneficiary of your life insurance policy is also an option, especially when your policy has a face amount that is much greater than the amount you can afford to give in cash. This ensures that future premium payments made by you are tax deductible. Pay the entire policy or make annual contributions to the Southeastern Foundation for the cost of premiums.
The Southeastern Foundation can also be named as beneficiary in the wills and trusts of Southeastern alumni and friends. You can elect to leave all or part of an estate to benefit the University.
Mark Webb
Executive Director of University Development
Phone: 580.745.2361