We strongly encourage all students who live in residential housing to vacate campus at this time. This is a difficult decision, but necessary to protect the health of our campus community. Specific information for on-campus housing residents is being emailed directly to the student. We understand some students must maintain a physical presence on campus and we are committed to assisting them.
Out of an abundance of caution, SE Campus will be extending our Spring Break for an additional week, through Friday, March 27. No confirmed cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have been identified among any campus faculty, students, or staff.
While the Residence Halls will not be closed during this time, we strongly encourage you to return to your home/alternate living site in order to avoid contact with crowds.
Can students remain on campus?
We strongly encourage all students living on campus to vacate campus and check out of the residence halls. Only those with no alternative living site should remain in the residence halls (e.g. your alternative home is international, SE is your permanent address, you must remain on campus to work, you do not have a phone/device with internet capabilities). Students who remain on campus could be relocated to a different site to assist with social distancing and housing operations. To request to remain on campus, students must complete this form by Tuesday, March 24, 2020.
How do I check out of my room permanently for Spring 2020?
Follow the directions from Housing and Residence Life in your student email to schedule and complete a residence hall check out.
Will there be food services during this time?
Food service will begin Sunday, 3/22, for dinner. However, meal service will be atypical, with prepared meals available at the Magnolia Grill for take-away only.
Will I receive a refund for my room and board?
More information regarding fees and refunds will be distributed as decisions are made.
Where can I get more information regarding Housing & Residence Life?
Contact the Housing & Residence Life office at 580-745-2948 or, outside of regular office hours, 580-380-7460. You may also email