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Faculty Resources

Classroom Support

Henry G. Bennett Memorial Library has a team of three Assistant Professor Librarians to provide Bibliographic and Information Literacy Instruction sessions to support your courses. The team can assist in preparing your students to be competent and confident researchers.

  • Instruction sessions available for face-to-face, online, and hybrid courses.
    • For both undergraduate and graduate level courses.
  • One-shot, multiple sessions, and embedded instruction options.
    • Online instruction can be provided asynchronously or in real time.
  • Other offerings include assignments, activities, tutorials, video recordings, and/ or libguides.
  • Badging options also available through Pillar+

For more information about Library Instruction or to access the form to request instruction please click here.

Course Reserves

The library offers a course reserves service. Instructors can request for titles to be placed on Course Reserve so their student’s can access additional reading materials that might be harder to locate or are limited in number and availability otherwise. These items can be accessed by student’s the same way the Textbook Reserve titles are; in-person for a limited period of access or through the Textbook Reserve Chapter Request form, so that both distance education and on-campus students can have access to the same materials. For Course Reserves, Instructors have leeway to define what that checkout limitation will be per title on reserve; 2hr in-house only, 4hr in-house only, 1-day checkout, 7-day checkout.

Items that can be placed on reserve can come directly from the library’s collection, on loan from the instructor, or be donated to the library by faculty or their departments. Please include professor(s) name, course number, course name, title to be placed on hold, and duration of loan and the semester(s) you wish it to be made accessible. There is a form that should accompany a Course Reserve addition request, here is a downloadble PDF of the form for your convenience. Printed copies of this form can be requested directly at the circulation desk also. Personal copies placed on reserve will be return to the professor at the end of the semester it was on reserve unless otherwise directed. 

If you have any questions or need clarification about the information provided, please contact either Brandi Pate, Circulation Coordinator, at / (580) 745-2107 or Andy Kramer, Reference, Instruction, & Access Services Librarian, (580)745-2934. 

Acquisition Requests and Donations

Faculty can submit requests for items to be added to the library’s collection through an online form: Faculty & Staff Title Purchase Request Form. The online form submissions will be sent directly to the Acquisitions department. An option to send a copy of the request to your email is available at time of submission.

Acquisition requests can also be made by downloading and submitting a fillable PDF form: Fillable Faculty and Staff Book Request PDF. This form will allow you to make multiple title requests at one time (up to 5 per form). To submit the fillable form, email the completed form to DeAnn Prince at

Another way a library can expand its collection is through the generosity of its community members who make donations. Henry G. Bennett Memorial Library does accept and welcome donated titles, however, we ask that patrons wishing to donate large numbers of titles all at once, please contact the Acquisition Supervisor, DeAnn Prince, before bringing the items to the library. While the donations do not cost the library to purchase them, they do constitute a cost for time spent assessing and processing as well as impact space utilization. A form must be filled out and accompany any donations as to provide a clear line of ownership. There are hardcopies of the form at the circulation desk, but we have a fillable PDF form you can download and fill out prior: Library Gift Agreement.

Faculty Publications

Our library has several special collections that have been curated over the years to add value and aid researchers. These collections tend to grow in ways that are more unique to their communities of researchers, thusly adding facets that stand out distinctly from the call ranges of the classification schema they are organized under. Special collections usually contain rare materials and can really distinguish a library collection from its peers. We are in the process of curating a new special collection featuring Southeastern’s faculty publications. We would hate to miss out on anyone’s published works so would you please use this online form to alert the library of past, present, and upcoming publications. While we cannot guarantee your publication can be purchased and added to the collection at the time of publication, we will strive to do so whenever possible.