All of these U.S. Army Center of Military History (CMH) Series and Collections books on this list can be found at the Center of Military History Publications by Title web page. Southeastern has copies of some of these books in print. They are located either on the second floor (900’s) or in the Government Documents area in the basement of the library.
Papuan Campaign: The Buna-Sanananda Operation (16 November 1942 – 23 January 1943)
The Capture of Makin (20-24 November 1943)
The Admiralties: Operations of the 1st Cavalry Division (29 February – 18 May 1944)
Merrill’s Marauders (February – May 1944)
Guam: Operations of the 77th Division (21 July – 10 August 1944)
To Bizerte with the II Corps (23 April – 13 May 1943)
Salerno: American Operations from the Beaches to the Volturno (9 September – 6 October 1943)
From the Volturno to the Winter Line (6 October – 15 November 1943)
Fifth Army at the Winter Line (15 November 1943 – 15 January 1944)
Anzio Beachhead (22 January – 25 May 1944)
Omaha Beachhead (6 June – 13 June 1944)
Utah Beach to Cherbourg (6-27 June 1944)
St-Lo (7 July – 19 July 1944)
Small Unit Actions
ARMY GROUND FORCES STUDIES – The Army Ground Forces Studies (AGF) were prepared during the course of World War II and published immediately thereafter. The objective was to give an account of wartime activities from the Command’s perspective, presenting the difficulties, lessons and mistakes uncovered in its operations. The series was composed of monographs on selected subjects, and of two volumes presenting an overall history. A separate volume was devoted to each of the major subordinate commands. These studies were not intended to be definitive, but rather were regarded as drafts, subject to final editing and revision.
Origins of the Army Ground Forces: General Headquarters: U.S. Army, 1940-1942 by Lt. Col Kent Roberts Greenfield and Dr. Robert R. Palmer (Study No. 1)
A Short History of the Army Ground Forces (Study No. 2)
Ground Forces in the War Army: A Statistical Table by Dr. Robert R. Palmer (Study No. 3)
The Mobilization of the Ground Army by Dr. Robert R. Palmer (Study No. 4)
The Procurement and Branch Distribution of Officers by Major William R. Keast (Study No. 6)
Provision of Enlisted Replacements by Major William R. Keast (Study No. 7)
Reorganization of Ground Troops for Combat by Dr. Robert R. Palmer (Study No. 8)
The Amphibious Training Center by Capt. Marshall O. Becker (Study No. 22)
Training for Mountain and Winter Warfare by Capt. Thomas P. Govan (Study No. 23)
History of the Tenth Light Division (Alpine) (Study No. 28)
Army Lineage Series
Air Defense Artillery (358.13 M45A)
Armies, Corps, Divisions, and Separate Brigades (355.31 W69A) & (D 114.11:AR 5/2/999)
Aviation (D 114.11:Av 5)
The Continental Army (355.30973 W93C)
Field Artillery (D 114.11:AR 7/4/PTS.1-2)
Infantry Part I: Regular Army (356.11 M28I REV.ENL. V.1)
Maneuver and Firepower: The Evolution of Divisions and Separate Brigades (D 114.11:M 31)
Military Intelligence (D 114.11:IN 8)
Military Police (D 114.11:M 59)
The Organizational History of Field Artillery, 1775-2003 (358.1230973 M19O)
Signal Corps (D 114.11:SI 2/2005) & (D 114.11:SI 2/2013)
Contingency Operations Series
The Rucksack War: U.S. Army Operational Logistics in Grenada, 1983 (972.9485 R13R)
The U.S. Military Intervention in Panama: Operations Just Cause, December 1989-January 1990 (D 114.2:P 19/6)
The U.S. Military Intervention in Panama: Origins, Planning, and Crisis Management, June 1987-December 1989 (D 114.2:P 19/4)
Defense Acquisition History Series
Defense Acquisition Reform, 1960 to 2009: An Elusive Goal
Providing the Means of War: Historical Perspectives on Defense Acquisition, 1945-2000
Sources of Weapon Systems Innovation in the Department of Defense: The Role of In-House Research and Development, 1945-2000 (D 114.2:W 37)
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HISTORICAL SUMMARIES – An overview of the successes and problems of major Army programs during a given Fiscal Year. Fiscal Years 1969-2010, 2015-2021
Global War on Terrorism
Allied Participation in Operation Iraqi Freedom (D 114.2:IR 1/2)
Surging South of Baghdad: The 3rd Infantry Division and Task Force Marne in Iraq, 2007-2008 (D 114.2:B 14)
THE ARMY GROUND FORCES (940.541273 UN3A Vol. 1-2)
The Organization of Ground Combat Troops (D 114.7:AR 5/2/2004)
The Procurement and Training of Ground Combat Troops (D 114.7:AR 5/3)
The Organization and Role of the Army Service Forces (D 114.7:AR 5/2017)
Stillwell’s Mission to China
Stillwell’s Command Problems
Time Runs Out in CBI
The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge (940.541273 UN3EA)
Breakout and Pursuit (940.541273 UN3EB) & (D 114.7:EU 7/V.6/2005)
Cross-Channel Attack (940.541273 UN3ECR) & (D 114.7:EU 7/V.2/2011)
The Last Offensive (940.541273 UN3EL)
Logistical Support of the Armies, Volume I: May 1941-September 1944 (940.541273 UN3ELO)
Logistical Support of the Armies, Volume II: September 1944-May 1945 (940.541273 UN3ELO)
The Lorraine Campaign (940.541273 UN3ELOR) & (D 114.7:EU 7/V.1/2007)
The Siegfried Line Campaign (940.541273 UN3ES) & (D 114.7:EU 7/V.7/2017)
The Supreme Command (940.541273 UN3ESU) & (D 114.7:SU 7/2017)
Rivera to the Rhine (940.541273 UN3R)
Northwest Africa: Seizing the Initiative in the West
Sicily and the Surrender of Italy
Salerno to Cassino
Cassino to the Alps
The Persian Corridor and Aid to Russia (940.541273 UN3MI)
PICTORIAL RECORD (940.541273 UN3PI Vol. 1-3)
The War Against Germany and Italy: Mediterranean and Adjacent Areas (D 114.7:P 58/V.1/2005)
The War Against Germany: Europe and Adjacent Areas
The War Against Japan (D 114.7:P 58/V.3/2001); & second edition (D 114.7:P 58/V.3/2006)
SPECIAL STUDIES (940.541273 UN3SP Vol. 1-4, 6-9)
The Women’s Army Corps
Rearming the French (D 114.7:F 88/2017)
Military Relations Between the United States and Canada: 1939-1945
Chronology: 1941-1945
Civil Affairs: Soldiers Become Governors (D 114.7:C 49/2004)
Buying Aircraft: Materiel Procurement for the Army Air Forces
The Employment of Negro Troops
Manhattan: The Army and the Atomic Bomb
Three Battles: Arnaville, Altuzzo, and Schmidt (940.541273 UN3T)
United States Army in World War II: Readers Guide (D 114.7/2:992)
The Chemical Warfare Service: (940.541273 UN3TE V.1)
Organizing the War (D 114.7:C 42/V.1/2004)
From Laboratory to Field (D 114.7:C 42/V.2/2010)
Chemicals in Combat (D 114.7:C 42/V.3/2003)
The Corps of Engineers: (940.541273 UN3TE V.2)
Troops and Equipment
The War Against Japan (D 114.7:EN 3/V.2/2017)
Construction in the United States (D 114.7:EN 3/V.3/2003)
The War Against Germany
The Ordnance Department: (940.541273 UN3TE V.3)
Planning Munitions for War (D 114.7:OR 2/2017)
Procurement and Supply (D 114.7:OR 2/V.2/2003)
On Beachhead and Battlefront (D 114.7:OR 2/V.3/2009)
The Quartermaster Corps: (940.541273 UN3TE V.4)
Organization, Supply, and Services, Volume I
Organization, Supply, and Services, Volume II
Operations in the War Against Japan (D 114.7:Q 2/V.4/2004)
Operations in the War Against Germany (D 114.7:Q 2/V.3/2004)
The Signal Corps: (940.541273 UN3TE V.5)
The Emergency (To December 1941) (D 114.7:SI 2/2/2017)
The Test (December 1941 to July 1943) (D 114.7:SI 2/V.2/2003)
The Outcome (Mid 1943 Through 1945) (D 114.7:SI 2/V.3/2008)
The Transportation Corps: (940.541273 UN3TE V.6)
Responsibilities, Organization, and Operations
Movements, Training and Supply (D 114.7:T 68/V.2/2003)
Operations Overseas (D 114.7:T 68/V.3/2003)
The Medical Department:
Hospitalization and Evacuation, Zone of Interior (940.541273 UN3TE V.7 PT.1) & (D 114.7:M 46/V.1/2013)
Medical Service in the Mediterranean and Minor Theaters (940.541273 UN3TE V.7 PT.2)
Medical Service in the European Theater of Operations (940.547573 C82M)
Medical Service in the War Against Japan (D 114.7:M 46/5)
THE WAR DEPARTMENT (940.541273 UN3S W Vol.1-6)
Chief of Staff: Prewar Plans and Preparations
Washington Command Post: The Operations Division (D 114.7:W 19/V.2/2003)
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: 1941-1942 (D 114.7:W 19/V.3/999)
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: 1943-1944
Global Logistics and Strategy: 1940-1943
Global Logistics and Strategy: 1943-1945
The Army and Economic Mobilization
The Army and Industrial Manpower (D 114.7:W 19/V.7/2002)
THE WAR IN THE PACIFIC (940.541273 UN3WA Vol. 1-11)
Okinawa: The Last Battle (D 114.7:P 11/V.1/2005)
Guadalcanal: The First Offensive
The Approach of the Philippines
The Fall of the Philippines
Leyte: The Return to the Philippines
Seizure of the Gilberts and Marshalls
Victory in Papua (D 114.7:P 11/V.7/2003)
Cartwheel: The Reduction of Rabaul
Campaign in the Marianas
Strategy and Command: The First Two Years (D 114.7:P 11/V.10/2000)
Triumph in the Philippines
THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE (940.541273 UN3WE Vol. 1-2)
The Framework of Hemisphere Defense
Guarding the United States and Its Outposts
Building for Peace: U S. Army Engineers in Europe, 1945-1991 (D 114.7/8:EN 2)
Bricks, Sand, and Marble: U S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction in the Mediterranean and Middle East, 1947-1991 (D 114.7/8:M 46)
Forging the Shield: The U S. Army in Europe, 1951-1962 (D 114.7/8:EU 7)
The City Becomes a Symbol: The U S. Army in the Occupation of Berlin, 1945-1949 (D 114.7/8:B 45)
Policy and Direction: The First Year by James F. Schnabel
South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu by Roy E. Appleman
Truce Tent and Fight Front by Walter G. Hermes (951.9042 H42T) & (D 114.2:K 84/2/v.2/2005)
Ebb and Flow by Billy C. Mossman (951.9042 M85E)
Advice and Support: The Early Years, 1941-1960 (959.7043373 SP3A)
Advice and Support: The Middle Years, January 1964 – June 1965
Advice and Support: The Final Years, 1965-1973 (959.70438 C55A)
Combat Operations: Taking the Offensive, May 1965 to October 1966 (959.7043373 M17C)
Combat Operations: Stemming the Tide, May 1965 to October 1966 (D 114.7/3:C 73/2)
Engineers at War (959.70434 T67E)
Macv: The Joint Command in the Years of Escalation, 1962-1967 (959.70438 C82M)
Macv: The Joint Command in the Years of Withdrawal, 1968-1973 (959.70438 C82MA)
Military Communications: A Test for Technology (959.70438 B45M)
Public Affairs: The Military and the Media, 1962-1968 (D 114.7/3:P 96/962-68)
Public Affairs: The Military and the Media, 1968-1973 (D 114.7/3:P 96/968-73)
Airmobility 1961-1971 by Lieutenant General John J. Tolson
Allied Participation in Vietnam by Lieutenant General Stanley Robert Larsen and Brigadier General James Lawton Collins, Jr.
Base Development in South Vietnam, 1965-1970 by Lieutenant General Carroll H. Dunn
Cedar Falls-Junction City: A Turning Point by Lieutenant General Bernard William Rogers
Command and Control, 1950-1969 by Major General George S. Eckhardt
Communications-Electronics, 1962-1970 by Major General Thomas Matthew Rienzi
The Development and Training of the South Vietnamese Army 1950-1972 by Brigadier General James Lawton Collins, Jr.
Division-Level Communication 1962-1973 by Lieutenant General Charles R. Myer (D 101.74:C 73/5/962-73)
Dust Off: Army Aeromedical Evacuation in Vietnam
Field Artillery, 1954-1973 by Major General David Ewing Ott (D 114.2:V 67/3)
The Final Collapse
Financial Management of the Vietnam Conflict 1962-1972 by Major General Leonard B. Taylor
Law at War – Vietnam 1964-1973 by Major General George S. Prugh
Logistic Support by Lieutenant General Joseph M. Heiser, Jr.
Medical Support of the U.S. Army in Vietnam, 1965-1970 by Major General Spurgeon Neel
The Modern Volunteer Army Program: The Benning Experiment, 1970-1972
Mounted Combat in Vietnam by General Donn A. Starry
Reorganizing for Pacification Support
Riverine Operations 1966-1969 by Major General William B. Fulton
The Role of Military Intelligence, 1965-1967 by Major General Joseph A. McChristian
Sharpening the Combat Edge: The Use of Analysis to Reinforce Military Judgment
Tactical and Materiel Innovation by Lieutenant General Julian J. Ewell and Major General Ira A. Hunt, Jr.
U.S. Army Engineers, 1965-1970 by Major General Robert R. Ploger
U.S. Army Special Forces in Vietnam: 1961-1971
Vietnam from Cease-Fire to Capitulation
The War in the Northern Provinces 1966-1968 by Lieutenant General Willard Pearson
German Antiguerrilla Operations in the Balkans (1941-1944) (D 114.19/3:G 31/7)
The German Campaigns in the Balkans
Airborne Operations: A German Appraisal (D 114.19/3:Ai 7)
Rear Area Security in Russia: The Soviet Second Front behind the German Lines (D 114.19/3:Se 2)