2007 Native American Symposium
Sixty-Seven Nations and Counting
November 1-2, 2007
Featured Speaker Rennard Strickland
A legal historian of Osage and Cherokee heritage, Rennard Strickland has had a very distinguished academic career as a professor of Native American law and law school dean at numerous universities, including most recently the University of Oregon, Oklahoma City University, and the University of Oklahoma, where he served as founding director of the Center for the Study of American Indian Law and Policy. He is also the author or editor of more than thirty books directed at both academic and popular audiences, such as Tonto’s Revenge: Reflections on American Indian Culture and Policy, Fire and the Spirits: Cherokee Law from Clan to Court, The Indians in Oklahoma: Newcomers to a New Land, and The Handbook of Federal Indian Law. He is the first person to have served as both president of the Association of American Law Schools and as chair of the Law School Admissions Council, and he is only person to have received both the Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) Award and the American Bar Association’s Spirit of Excellence Award. In addition to his legal and historical interests, Professor Strickland is also an avid collector of Native American art and a major donor to a number of museums.
Southeastern Oklahoma State University invites the community, the Indian Nations, students, scholars, educators, and all who are interested in studying and sharing the experience of the largest cultural minority in Oklahoma to attend the Seventh Native American Symposium: Sixty-Seven Nations and Counting. This event features presentations on Native American literature, history, sociology, politics, education, science, art, and film. Scholars, artists, and members of Indian Nations from across the United States and beyond will come together to discuss topics related to the Native American experience. All symposium sessions except for the keynote banquet are free and open to the public.
The Native American Symposium is made possible in part by a SOSU Cultural and Scholastic Lectureship Grant, a fund derived from student fees. Jerod Tate’s appearance has been sponsored by the SOSU Musical Arts Series and the Red River Arts Council, and Rennard Strickland’s presence is supported by the Oklahoma Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Symposium Committee
Dr. Daniel Althoff, English, Humanities, and Languages Co-Chair
Ms. Betty Andrews, Academic Advising and Outreach Center
Dr. Gleny Beach, Art
Amy Chapman, Student Life
Ms. Corie Delashaw, History
Mr. Dennis Miles, Library
Ms. Sharon Morrison, Library
Mr. Jack Ousey, Art
Ms. Camille Phelps, Multicultural Coordinator
Dr. Lucretia Scoufos, Communication
Dr. Mark Spencer, English, Humanities, and Languages Co-Chair
Dr. Claire Stubblefield, Director, Office of Diversity
Ms. Susan Webb, Library
Dr. Robert Tudor, English, Humanities, and Languages
Schedule of Events
Thursday, November 1, 2007
8:15 am – Student Union 2nd Floor Loft – Conference Registration
- Continental Breakfast
9:00 am – Student Union 2nd Floor Loft – President’s Welcome
- Remarks by President Jesse O. Snowden and Dr. Dan Althoff, Native American Symposium Committee Co-Chair
9:30 am – Student Union Auditorium 213 – Native Social Issues 1
- Sara Jane Richter, “The Hominy Indians: Oklahoma’s Professional Football Team”
- Brenda Brown and Ruth Chebahtah, “Cross Cultural Communication”
- Timothy McCollum, “Making Relations: The Resonance of Kinship in Indian Country”
9:30 am – Student Union 323 – Native Education 1
- Yvonne N. Tiger, “The Removal and Assimilation of Australian Aboriginal and American Indian Children-The Early Days of the System”
- John Love and Michael Kallam, “Historical and Current Issues in the Education of Native Americans”
9:30 am – Student Union Frost Chambers 315 – Native Literature 1
- Richard Moon, “The Definition of a Mixed Blood”
- Kelly Clasen, “Mark Twain’s Literary Treatment of Native Americans”
- Lydia R. Cooper, “The Evolution of the Trickster and Native Identity
in Louise Erdrich’s Tracks”
11:00 am – Student Union Auditorium 213 – Native History 1
- Martin Gibbs, “Searching for the Mayan Book of Creation (Popol Vuh): Derrida’s Pharmakon and the Death/Cure of Orality”
- Shirley Frey, “Prince Max Meets the Mandan: The Story of How a German Prince and a Swiss Artist Saved the Cultural Heritage of the Mandan Tribe”
- Joe Watkins, “‘Whose Voice Is That?’: Integrating Archaeology and/into Native American Studies”
11:00 am – Student Union 323 – Native Education 2
- Lisette Rice, “Building and Re-Building the Temple of Education: Hope and Persistence of the Cherokee Progressives and the Cherokee Female Seminary”
- Dennis Miles, “Educate or We Perish: The Armstrong Academy’s Unique History as a Part of The Choctaw Educational System, 1845-1920”
- Yvonne N. Tiger, “Angel de Cora-Art, Assimilation, and Indian Boarding School Education”
11:00 am – Henry Bennett Library – Native American Room – Native Literature
- Susan Webb and Sandra Thomas, “Native Voices: Children’s Books By and About American Indian People”
12:30 pm – Lunch on your own
2:00 pm – Student Union Auditorium 213 – Cherokee Ways
- Gloria Matthews and Jimmy Carey, “Cherokee Language, Culture, Food, and Medicine: A Quick Course”
- Jason Eads, “Tso la: Cherokee Tobacco Use in the 21st Century”
2:00 pm – Student Union 323 – Native Politics 1
- Paul McKenzie-Jones, “Clyde Warrior’s ‘Red Power’: The Influences Behind the Rhetoric”
- David Michael Smith, “Why Leonard Peltier Should Be Freed”
- Oksana Danchevskaya, “Stereotyping American Indians”
2:00 pm – Henry Bennett Library – Native American Room
- Brandon Burnette, “History of Native Americans from U.S. Federal Documents: Print and Online”
3:30 pm – Student Union Auditorium 213 – Native Social Issues 2
- Regina T. Praetorius and Thomas D. Watts, “Suicide and Alcohol Use Among Native Americans”
- Joseph Bohanon, “After the Storm: How First Peoples Use Culture and Traditions to Heal”
3:30 pm – Henry Bennett Library – Native American Room
- Carmelita Wright, “Reminiscing”
- Jeffrey DeLotto, “The Hasinai Ear Spool: A Two Hawks Mystery”
4:30 pm – Henry Bennett Library – Native American Room – Ron Wallace
Ron is a distinguished local poet of Choctaw, Cherokee, Osage, and Scots-Irish ancestry. An alumnus of SOSU, he has taught English at nearby Colbert High School for nearly 30 years. His work has appeared in numerous poetry journals and magazines, and his recently published collection Native Son: American Poems from the Heart of Oklahoma was a finalist for the Oklahoma Book Award in poetry for 2007. His poems are in modern narrative free verse, almost a story-telling style, and heavily laden with his love for Oklahoma and Durant in particular.
7:00 pm – Fine Arts Recital Hall – Jerod Tate — SOSU Musical Arts Series
Born in Norman, Oklahoma and a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation, Jerod Impichchaachaaha’ Tate is a musical composer dedicated to the development of American Indian classical composition. He has received numerous awards and his work has been performed by many prestigious orchestras across the United States, including a recent performance of Iholba (The Vision), for Solo Flute, Orchestra and Chorus by the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Jerod is currently Composer-in-Residence for the Chickasaw Summer Arts Academy and The Joyce Foundation/American Composers Forum, teaching composition to American Indian high school students in Minneapolis.
8:30 pm – Student Union 2nd Floor Loft – Reception for Jerod Tate
Friday, November 2, 2007
7:45 am – Student Union 2nd Floor Loft – Conference Registration
- Continental Breakfast
8:15 am – Student Union Auditorium 213 – Native Politics 2
- Timothy Baylor, “The American Indian Movement’s Strategic Choices: Environmental Limitations and Organizational Outcomes”
- Marine Le Puloch, “Lubicon Lake Indian Cree Nation’s Court Action in Canada”
- Phillip C. Marshall, “Sovereignty and the Struggle for Water: The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and Water Rights”
8:15 am – Student Union 323 – Native Environmental Issues
- Stanley R. Holder, “Indigenous Lands and Heavy Metals,”
- Nasbah Ben, “The Distribution and Transport of Aerosols in the Atmosphere above the Four Corners Region Using MODIS Imagery from both the TERRA and AQUA Satellites”
- Brenda Brandon, “Building Bridges of Empowerment: Culturally Competent Evaluation Applied to Tribal Environmental Outreach Process”
8:15 am – Student Union Frost Chambers 315 – Native Literature 2
- Joseph L. Coulombe, “Individual Connections: Fostering Unity Through Self-Examination in Gerald Vizenor’s Bearheart”
- Sun Hee Lee, “Robert Johnson, the Blues, and Coyote Springs: Inter-Ethnic Crossing in Sherman Alexie’s Reservation Blues”
- Steven B. Sexton, University of Oklahoma, “Native American Literary Nationalism”
10:00 am – Student Union Auditorium 213 – Native Music and Art
- Meisha Adderley, “Spiritual Warriors: The Presence of Afro-American Spirituals in Native American Song”
- Michael Snyder, “Plangent Pepper’s Native Hearts Club Band: An Oklahoman Indian Jazz Vision”
- Marilyn Wounded Head, “Allan Houser and George Morrison: Artists of Time”
- David Barnes, “The Waterbird’s Song: Peyote Imagery in the Hogan Collection”
10:00 am -Student Union 323 – Native Science and History
- Raymond Pierotti, “Creation and Relatedness in Indigenous Spiritual Traditions”
- Stanley Rice, “Travels of William Bartram, Botanist, among the Seminoles, Muskogees, and Cherokees in the 1770s: Did He Explore a ‘Natural Landscape’?”
- Donna L. Akers, ” The Process of American Genocide Against Indigenous Nations”
- Jeremiah Waggoner, “John Rollin Ridge and the Frontiers of Native Law, Sovereignty, and Cultural Renewal”
10:00 am – Student Union Frost Chambers 315 – Native Literature 3
- Joseph M. Faulds, “Rabbit Boy’s Quest and Ohiyesa’s Similes in From the Deep Woods to Civilization”
- Debashree Dattary, “‘Survival’: Colonialism as a Discourse in Beatrice Culleton’s Spirit of the White Bison”
- Meredith K. James, “‘No Parole Today’: Native American Authors and the Subversion of the Captivity Narrative”
12:00 pm – Lunch on your own.
1:00 pm – Student Union Auditorium 213 – Native History 2
- Cara Lee Blume, “Finding the People Who Stayed Behind: Researching the Histories of Nanticoke and Lenape Communities in Delaware”
- Richard Mize, “Counting Sioux: American Indian Newspaper Perspectives on the Proposed Lakota Removal to Indian Territory, 1876”.
- Patrick Pynes, Northern Arizona University, “Cherokee Refuge: The Mount Tabor Indian Community of Rusk County, Texas”
1:00 pm – Student Union 323 – Native Americans and Religion
- Dustin Gray, “‘I Did Not Make Myself So’: Samson Occom and the Rhetoric of Conversion”
- Kimberly Roppolo, “Dog Woman’s Story: Cheyenne Metaphysics and the History of the Native American Church”
- Angelo Baca, “Exploring Lamanite Identity through Visual Imagery”
1:00 pm – Student Union Frost Chambers – Native Literature 4
- Ieva Larchey, “Trusting the Blood: Negotiation of Kiowa Identity in N. Scott Momaday’s The Names”
- Stacy Pratt, “Answering the Arrowmaker: Autobiography as a Model of American Indian Literary Nationalism in The Way to Rainy Mountain”
- Brandon Kempner, “Public and Private Scholarship in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Gardens in the Dunes”
- Chris Sabatelli, Ulster Community College,” Ceremonial Sex”
3:00 pm – Student Union Auditorium 213 – Plenary Session – “In the Minds of the Beholders: The Natchez Paradox”
- T. (Hutke) Fields, Principal Chief of the Natchez Nation, will lead a group presentation
on the history of the Natchez people and their political, social, and cultural practices today.
5:00 pm – Student Union Auditorium 213 – Steven Heape, The Trail of Tears
Steven R. Heape of the Cherokee Nation is a prominent filmmaker and film producer. Co-founder of Rich-Heape Films based in Dallas, Texas, he and his partner Chris Richie specialize in Native American history and drama, including this two-hour PBS documentary on the Cherokee Removal to Oklahoma. Steven will show a brief video summary of the film and make himself available for an informal discussion afterwards.
7:00 pm – Visual and Performing Arts Center – Keynote Banquet
7:50 pm – Keynote Introduction by President Jesse O. Snowden
8:00 pm – Keynote Speech – Rennard Strickland
A legal historian of Osage and Cherokee heritage, Rennard Strickland has had a very distinguished academic career as a professor of Native American law and law school dean at numerous universities, including most recently the University of Oregon, Oklahoma City University, and the University of Oklahoma, where he served as founding director of the Center for the Study of American Indian Law and Policy. He is also the author or editor of more than thirty books directed at both academic and popular audiences, such as Tonto’s Revenge: Reflections on American Indian Culture and Policy, Fire and the Spirits: Cherokee Law from Clan to Court, The Indians in Oklahoma: Newcomers to a New Land, and The Handbook of Federal Indian Law. He is the first person to have served as both president of the Association of American Law Schools and as chair of the Law School Admissions Council, and he is only person to have received both the Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) Award and the American Bar Association’s Spirit of Excellence Award. In addition to his legal and historical interests, Professor Strickland is also an avid collector of Native American art
and a major donor to a number of museums.