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SOLD Leadership SE

Leadership SE is designed to provide perspective, knowledge, and techniques necessary to perform more effectively in the workplace and to enhance leadership skills. Courses are designed to promote civic engagement, teamwork, and camaraderie. All of these courses have been identified as providing a significant advantage for faculty and staff and are highly recommended for success. We invite you take the journey with us.

Southeastern Organizational Leadership Development
Leadership SE for Faculty and Staff

We are pleased to announce the launch of new programming for the Southeastern Organizational Leadership Development Program (SOLD), beginning February 2019. SOLD has been revitalized, dedicated to provide valuable information through workshops, seminars, short conferences, and online training sessions focusing on ways that participants can increase personal, career, and community/civic growth opportunities.

How does the program work?
Over a 12-month commitment, participants will attend at least six elective workshops, seminars, or conferences and/or complete six online training sessions provided or a combination thereof. At least six of the 12 courses must be attended in person. The online training series provides a flexible opportunity for all university employees to participate.

What are the elective courses?
Electives will change from semester to semester. Participants will need to select four workshops, seminars, conferences, or online courses under each area of focus – personal growth opportunities, career growth opportunities and community and civic engagement opportunities. As the seminars are announced, the area of focus for the course will be designated.

How do I keep track of the courses I have attended?
When you enroll in the program, you will be given a record sheet to document the courses you have attended.

What happens when I complete all of the requirements?
Once you have complete all of the required courses, please submit your completed record sheet and all printed certificates of completion for online training sessions taken to Jennifer Ballew at We will verify your attendance and you will be issued a certificate and award showing your successful completion in the Leadership SE Program.

How long does it take to complete the program?
Seminars will be offered each month, so an employee can complete the program each year.

How do I enroll?
Fill out the Leadership SE Enrollment Form located on the website. If you have any questions you can email or call ext. 2512.

Am I required to participate in this program?
No. The Leadership SE program is voluntary

Register for a SOLD EVENT