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Reach Higher DirectComplete

Do you have some college credit and want to complete your degree – but balancing your job, family and other obligations makes it hard to attend traditional college classes?

If you are within 60 hours of completeing your first bachelor’s degree, the Reach higher DirectComplete Program may be your fastest track to earning that bachelor’s degree.

Eligibility Requirements Open Close
  • Enroll in a minimum of three (3) credit hours per semester.
  • Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA or as required by your program.
  • Be within 60 hours of completing an approved degree at Southeastern OK State University
  • Oklahoma resident
  • US Citizen
  • FAFSA completion is recommended, but not required (Note: This is not solely a “need- based” scholarship)
How to Apply Open Close

Step 1:
Complete your Student Interest Form on the Reach Higher Website

Step 2:
Apply to SE
Major Selection: Approved Degree

Step 3:
After you have applied and submitted your student interest form, contact your Reach Higher Advisor at Southeastern Oklahoma State University. 

Mark Bisson
Reach Higher Advisor and Program Coordinator

Step 4:
Once we receive all of your official transcripts, your Reach Higher advisor will complete a degree check.


Upcoming Events! Open Close


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