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- Early Intervention & Childhood Development
Early Intervention and Child Development is a multidisciplinary online program that prepares students to serve young children in a variety of settings. EICD prepares students to work in educational programs like Head Start, Early Head Start, early learning centers, infant and toddler care facilities, and other settings serving young children.
Graduates of the Early Intervention and Child Development program will be trained to draw upon scientifically-based research and experience to successfully serve young children. Having developed the professional knowledge and skills, graduates will provide effective interventions and care to infants, toddlers, and young children.
Major/Minor: Early Intervention & Child Development
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Dept: Behavioral Sciences
School: Education and Behavioral Sciences
Major Code: 111
Communications (9 Hours)
1.English (ENG 1113 and ENG 1213)
2.Speech Communication (COMM 1233 or 2213)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (12 Hours)
1.Political Science (POSC 1513)
2.American History (HIST 1513 or 1523)
3.Social Science (ECON 2113, GEOG 2723, HIST 3513, or SOC 1113)
4. Mental and Physical Health (KIN 1113 or PSY 1113)
Science and Mathematics (14 Hours)
1.Biological Sciences (BIOL 1114 or 1404)
2.Physical Sciences (CHEM 1004, 1114, 1315; PHYS 1114, 2015; PSCI 1114, 1214, or 1414)
3. Mathematics (MATH 1303, 1513, 1543, 1613, 2013, 2113, 2143, 2215, or 2283)
4. Computer Proficiency Requirement (BIM 1513 or CIS 1003)
Humanities (9 Hours)
1. Humanities, Philosophy, and Lit (ENG 2313, 3893; HUM 2113, 2223, 2313; or PHIL 2113, 2223)
2. Fine Arts (ART 1003, 1103, 2103, 3013, 3083; MUS 1113, 1123, 3133; THTR 1143, 1183, 2183, or 3183)
3. Foreign Language (CHTW 1513; FREN1113; GERM1113; SPAN1113, 1223; ASL 1113; NS 1213)
Core Courses (18 Semester Hours)
EDUC 2013 Foundations of Education
EICD 2213 Foundations of Literacy
ENG 4893 Children’s Literature and Story Telling
SPED 2123 Intro to Individuals with Exceptionalities
MNGT 3113 Management and Organizational Behavior
SFTY 3133 Drugs in Society
PSY 3033 Introduction to Research and Writing
KIN 4813 Nutrition & Weight Management
ORGL 4113 Ethics & Organizations
PSY 2243 Intro to Human Development
PSY 3213 Psychology of Childhood
EICD 3024 Families and the Developing Child
EICD 3034 Professional and Ethical Practice
EICD 3044 Individual Learning Differences in Young Children with Disabilities
EICD 3064 Collaboration with Families, Health/Mental Health Professionals and Communities
EICD 4074 Assessment and Intervention for Infants and Toddlers: Birth-4
EICD 4084 Assessment and Research Based Instruction: Literacy and Reading
EICD 4113 Language Development
Required Courses:
EICD 3024 Families & The Developing Child
EICD 3044 Individual Learning Differences in Young Children
Choose one from the following:
EICD 2213 Foundations of Literacy
PSY 3213 Psychology of Childhood
EICD 4113 Language Development
ENG 4893 Children’s Literature
Choose two from the following:
EICD 3034 Professional & Ethical Practice
EICD 3064 Collaboration with Families, Health/Mental Health Professionals & Communities
EICD 4074 Assessment & Intervention for Infants & Children: Birth-Four
EICD 4084 Assessment & Research Based Instruction: Literacy & Reading
PSY 1113 #Introduction to Psychology (Prerequisite for PSY courses)