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Southeastern Moments

Where moments are made.

Your moment is more than just the time studying here at Southeastern.

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My SE Story

“Katherine, a Mathematics Education major from Denison, Texas, is graduating Summa Cum Laude with an impressive 3.9 GPA. Throughout her time at Southeastern, she dedicated herself to her studies and took on key leadership roles on campus. She served as president of the Honors Advisory Council, a Supreme Court Justice in Student Government, and a member of the Cardinal Key Honor Society. Last year, Katherine was also honored as Homecoming Queen.
After graduation, she plans to pursue her passion for education as a middle school math teacher with Denison ISD.”

Katherine Hodge Mathematics Education
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My SE Story

“Everyone in my field - students and professors alike - were always there when I needed help and were always supportive whenever I felt lost or like I didn't know what my next step would be. These people helped me through some of the hardest times in my life and I cannot thank them enough for all they have done to help me on this path!”

Robbie Turner Music Theatre and Dance
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My SE Story

“I enjoyed the connections I made at Southeastern the most. Without these people in my life, I would not be who I am today. They have nurtured me as a person and as a student. I know anytime I come back to Southeastern I will be able to find a friendly face and always be able to call Southeastern my home.”

Emma Quintana Biological Health Science
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My SE Story

“"Southeastern is not just somewhere I went for 4 years but how Southeastern is now a part of who I am. The memories I’ve made here are unmatched, unique, and special. Most of all, I would not only tell them how Southeastern is a place I will always look back on fondly, but I would show them how much this university means to me. Finally, I would tell anyone considering Southeastern that they only get to live the next couple years of their lives once, so if they choose to spend that time at Southeastern and make the most out of their decision, they won’t be disappointed.””

Madison Hunt Chemistry
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My SE Story

“The Art program at Southeastern is incredible. The faculty in the program are masters in their fields, and their mission as a department is to help you become one too. Whether you’re interested in painting, ceramics, or graphic design, this will be a great place for you to build your foundation as a professional artist. Southeastern has given me opportunities to grow and explore. As a developing professional, these experiences that put me out of my comfort zone and exposed me to new ideas were the ones that prepared me most for my future. I’m very grateful for the instructors and staff that helped me get here.””

Maxwell Hamblin-Compere Art Studio
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My SE Story

““I can honestly say that Southeastern was a great choice for me and turned out to be a blessing in my life,’’ Maverick said. “The classes were smaller and more personal. It was very easy to make friends on campus. Most of the friendships I have to this day were formed right in the middle of classes. It truly is like one big, happy family. The memories I have from Southeastern I will cherish forever.’’

Maverick McClendon Educational Leadership Administration
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My SE Story

“There are a lot of organizations here that try to make it seem like you're capable of doing this [college] because YOU ARE! One organization I am thankful for is Project TEACH. It's a Student Support Service for education majors. They've helped me a lot with my education degree and feeling like I fit in here. I'm really passionate about education, because sometimes the teacher is the one person that child needs...I think that teachers are really important and I want to contribute to that.”

Elaina Stuart Elementary Education
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My SE Story

“When I was considering schools to play volleyball, I made a visit to Southeastern, and everyone on campus was super welcoming, and I felt really at home. All of my professors have been really helpful. The Athletic department has been really welcoming, and I've made some great memories and friends over the past four years. Southeastern has become a second home to me.”

Grace Shehadeh Marketing
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My SE Story

“The first (SE) organization I joined was Native American Student Association. The people there were so fun and so cool. I remember being super shy, but I wanted to be a part of it. I also joined Film Club where I met my best friend. I met some of my best friends from these organizations, such as BCM and SGA. Savage Storm Leaders helped me be myself...All of these different organizations helped me grow into the person I am today and become confident in the man I am today.”

Josiah Jones Business
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My SE Story

“During my freshman year, for the Top 10 Freshman Reception, my bosses, my supervisors, professors from the social science department as well as members from administration all came to celebrate us, which really reminded me there is a really great sense of community within Southeastern, and that they really wanted to emphasize growing and celebrating student success.”