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Drug and Alcohol Prevention Education

Southeastern Oklahoma State University believes that student success and achievement requires vigilance and effort on the part of the University to promote healthy living and learning. We affirm that we have a role in promoting an environment ,conducive to education, that actively discourages drug and alcohol abuse. We commit to prevention, developmental student conduct, and effective intervention for students at risk for these behaviors.

The Drug Free Schools and Campuses Regulations (34 CFR Part 86) of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) require an institution of higher education to certify it has adopted and implemented programs to prevent the abuse of alcohol and use or distribution of illicit drugs both by students and employees, both on campus and as part of any institutional activities.

To explore the relevant institutional standards of conduct and sanctions, state and federal laws, health risks associated with alcohol and drug abuse, and programs in our community and the surrounding community that can assist you please review the links below:

Check out our new substance use prevention grant website by clicking here.

Programs Available to Students and Staff Open Close

Education Programming Components 

The Southeastern Oklahoma State University Counseling Center provides counseling services to students struggling with alcohol and drug related matters, and is capable of referral services to any faculty, full-time, and part-time staff that are struggling with alcohol and drug related matters. Their contact information shall be included in the annual DFSCA disclosure. 

Vector Solutions is an online educational program to address the unique challenges and responsibilities of college life for students surrounding alcohol and drugs. It also has an educational platform available to educate faculty and staff around substance use. Currently the program is utilized for sanctions related to drugs and alcohol. College Success instructors are made aware that the material may be utilized in their classes. The program is at no individual cost to the campus community. 

Learn to Live is an online supplement to counseling services. It provides Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) programs to our students all over the United States. Students participate in self-guided modular programs, including Substance Use. They screen for risk and the program recommends modules based on screening results. Individuals may also choose to take a program without it being recommended on the screening. Students who need additional support may also reach out to a program coach for guidance and support. 

Campus Well is an online campus magazine to which Southeastern subscribes that addresses a multitude of health-related issues including drug and alcohol informational articles. This publication may be accessed by going to and is delivered to student email inboxes monthly. 

National College Health Assessment is completed every-other year to assess many health and wellness issues that affect our students. This instrument allows us to see what educational gaps and individual needs need to be addressed. 

Springapalooza is an event that happens the week before spring break every year in the Atrium of the Student Union during the hours the cafeteria is serving dinner. During this time, students are educated on safety tips for various circumstances that could possibly leave them vulnerable to assault. 

Camp SE is an orientation camp that is held every summer before the fall semester begins. Alcohol and drug abuse and prevention education will be provided during this orientation session. 

Classroom Instruction: Instructors will be encouraged to include drug and alcohol abuse prevention education in their curriculum. 

Customized educational outreach is offered throughout the year as requested through classrooms and other campus outreach initiatives, and periodically as part of health outreach programming. Additional outreach is provided through ongoing programming in Housing and Residence Life, The Office for Student Life, and Student Wellness Services. 

Counseling and Treatment Programs 

Southeastern Oklahoma State University Counseling Center (students only)
Glen D Johnson Student Union, Suite 299; 580-745-2988 

Employee Assistance Program (faculty and staff only)
Provided through Standard Insurance Company:

Non-Campus Programs (external options) Open Close

Bryan County Health Department: 580-924-4285 

Bryan County Counseling Center: 580-924-0564 

Grayson County Health Department Administration and Services
903-893-0131 or 903-465-2878 

Alliance Health Durant: 580-924-3080 

Texas Substance Abuse Council: 903-892-9911 

Texoma Medical Center: 903-416-4000 

Non-Campus Hotlines 

Non-Campus Hotlines
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations National Help Line (SAMHSA
1-800-662-HELP, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.