University Committees
This form is a portal for the University Committees to upload their minutes, supporting documents, and end of year activity reports to the Faculty Senate Archivist. Please click on this link to access the form to submit your reports.
A form was created to provide some guidance on the information that should be included in the End of Year Activity reports. Here is a fillable PDF of the form for you to download and use if you prefer: End of Year report form for the General Faculty Committees and Councils.
Current FS Archivist: Andy Kramer (2022-2024)
Committees and Councils
Academic Appeals Committee
Academic Council
Bachelor of Science in Liberal & Applied Studies Coordinating Committee
Campus Sustainability Committee
Curriculum Committee
Distance Education Council
Faculty Appellate Committee
Faculty Grievance Committee
General Education Council
Graduate Council
Honors Committee
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Institutional Assessment Committee
Institutional Review Board
Library Committee
Organized Research and Program Review Committee
Teacher Education Council